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Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much (Official Music Video)




Uh-huh, yeah, yeah

嗯哼 耶 耶


I've known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart

我認識不少男人 總自以為腦袋夠靈光

But you've got being right down to an art

殊不知 其實是蠢到沒話說又有夠兩光

You think you're a genius, you drive me up the wall

自以為天才兼天菜的你 簡直要把我逼瘋了

You're a regular original, a know-it-all

你根本什麼咖都稱不上 頂多就是個自命非凡的混蛋 


Oh-oh, you think you're special

噢 你還以為自己身懷十八般武藝

Oh-oh, you think you're something else

噢 還膽敢自命不凡地誇下海口

Okay, so you're a rocket scientist

好喔 所以你是從事火箭製造業的?


That don't impress me much


So you got the brains, but have you got the touch?

除了腦袋裝一大堆知識 那你還有哪些看家本領?

Now, don't get me wrong—yeah, I think you're alright

快別誤解我的意思--我覺得你這人 是還算說得過去啦

But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night

但就算身懷絕技 也無法在夜半三更溫暖我冰冷的心

That don't impress me much

老實說 我沒什麼興趣耶

Uh-huh, yeah, yeah

嗯哼 耶耶


I never knew a guy who carried a mirror in his pocket

我這輩子真的沒遇過 哪個男的會把鏡子塞進口袋裡

And a comb up his sleeve—just in case

還是放梳子在袖套裡 -- 以備不時之需

And all that extra hold gel in your hair oughta lock it

建議你多抹些髮膠 好維持你帥氣造型

’Cause heaven forbid it should fall outta place

因為老天保佑 你的雞冠頭看起來搖搖欲墜


Oh-oh, you think you're special

噢 你還以為自己真有天生麗質

Oh-oh, you think you're something else

噢 居然敢自稱是全美票房保證

Okay, so you're Brad Pitt

好喔 所以你顏值堪比布萊德彼特?


That don't impress me much (Oh, oh, uuh)


So you got the looks, but have you got the touch?

所以你覺得自己長得帥 只要主動出擊就不會追不到?

Now, don't get me wrong—yeah, I think you're alright

先別誤會我的意思--是啦 你這人確實頗有幾分姿色

But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night

但長得帥 又不代表照三餐喝樹汁露水就能溫飽

That don't impress me much

要追我 你還稍嫌嫩了點



You're one of those guys who likes to shine his machine

你就像那種怪咖 三不五時就要替車烤漆拋光

You make me take off my shoes before you let me get in

還會逼我要先脫掉鞋襪 洗完腳丫子才能上車

I can't believe you kiss your car good night

真教人不敢相信 你會跟車道晚安才上床睡覺?

Come on, baby, tell me, you must be joking, right?

少來了老兄 你剛剛肯定是在開玩笑對吧?


Oh-oh, you think you're something special

噢 你還以為家財萬貫就能買到愛

Oh-oh, you think you're something else

噢 你還以為只要有車 就沒有把不到的妹

Okay, so you've got a car

好喔 所以你買了輛超跑?


That don't impress me much (Oh, oh, uuh)


So you got the moves, but have you got the touch?

就算你馬力夠猛 但你真有本事找得到洞嗎?

Now, don't get me wrong—yeah, I think you're alright

快別往心裡去--是啦 你這人漢草是還不錯

But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night

但就算自帶六塊肌 也不代表下面功夫了得

That don't impress me much (Don't impress me)

坦白說 這絲毫提不起我的性趣

Oh, oh no, you think you're cool, but have you got the touch?

噢 噢 不 你還以為自己酷斃了 事後才發現是蠢斃了?

Now, now, don't get me wrong—yeah, I think you're alright

好啦 這次真的不鬧你了-- 是啦 你這個人的確是還不錯

But that won't keep me warm on the long, cold, lonely night

但只想玩玩的你 又怎能陪伴我渡過這孤寂的漫漫長夜

That don't impress me much


Uh-huh, yeah, yeah

嗯哼 耶耶


Okay, so what do you think, you're Elvis or something?

好喔 所以你是以為自己像貓王一樣是萬人迷嗎?



That don't impress me


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