


All I Ask



I will leave my heart at the door

為你牽掛惦記的心 將被我拒於門外

I won't say a word

對此 我沒有解釋的打算

They've all been said before, you know

原因先前就挑明講白 你不也清楚這點


So why don't we just play pretend

與其處心積慮 還不如裝作漫不在乎

Like we're not scared of what is coming next

拋開猶豫 別再為了日後遙不可及的將來考慮

Or scared of having nothing left



Look, don't get me wrong

搞清楚 可別斷章取義誤會我

I know there is no tomorrow

我這麼說 也不是想挽回什麼

All I ask is



If this is my last night with you

假如只剩今晚 我們能像這樣獨處

Hold me like I'm more than just a friend 

能不能讓我跨越本分 用朋友以上的名義去擁抱你

Give me a memory I can use



Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do

握緊我不住抖顫的手 就像一對名正言順的愛侶

It matters how this ends

如何結束這段關係 有著重大關聯

'Cause what if I never love again?

要是我從此忘了如何愛一個人 那該怎麼辦?


I don't need your honesty


It's already in your eyes


And I'm sure my eyes, they speak for me

反正我眼看瞞不住的瞳孔 早就出賣了我


No one knows me like you do

世界這麼大 卻沒有人比你來得懂我

And since you're the only one that mattered

要是這世上願意理解包容我的人 只剩你一個

Tell me, who do I run to?

你走以後 之後我受了苦 還有誰能傾訴?


Look, don't get me wrong

說真的 不必像這樣誤解我

I know there is no tomorrow


All I ask is



If this is my last night with you

假如今晚一結束 你我就要從此別離

Hold me like I'm more than just a friend

能不能請你當個好人 把我當成朋友緊緊抱住

Give me a memory I can use



Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do

溫暖我冰冷而軟弱的手心 像對相愛依舊的情侶

It matters how this ends

怎麼劃上圓滿 比什麼都來得重要

'Cause what if I never love again?

要是我從此忘了如何去愛人 該如何是好?


Let this be our lesson in love


Let this be the way we remember us

至少往後想起彼此時 會記得分開最美那一刻

I don't want to be cruel or vicious

我寧願割捨殘忍過份的念頭 也不要用一生悔過

And I ain't asking for forgiveness

話說得這麼重 真不是為了乞求你寬恕我

All I ask is



If this is my last night with you

假如今晚是我們以情人身份 共度的最後一夜

Hold me like I'm more than just a friend

能不能攬我入懷 再讓我複習友達以上的溫柔一遍

Give me a memory I can use

念在過去的份上 縱容我私藏回憶的片段


Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do

纏綿溫存的時候 能不能好人做到底 別那麼輕易鬆開我的手

It matters how this ends

好好結束這段關係 別留下任何遺憾

'Cause what if I never love again?

要是我從此無法鼓起勇氣再愛一個人 那該怎麼辦?

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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