



Adele - To Be Loved

To Be Loved



I built a house for love to grow

為了愛 我在心中築構了城堡

I was so young that it was hard to know

當時年少無知 沒有人告訴我怎麼做才對

I'm as lost now as I was back then

現在的我就如同當年 迷惘徬徨

Always make a mess of everything

老是搞砸一切 成天渾渾噩噩地過日子

It's about time that I face myself

也該是時候 去正視問題的嚴重性了

All I do is bleed into someone else

一直以來 我總是將自己的痛楚 加諸在他人身上

Painting walls with all my secret tears

將不為人知的淚水 揮灑在名為歌曲的畫布上

Filling rooms with all my hopes and fears

甚或還將那滿盈的冀望 連同恐懼挾帶給友人


But oh my, oh my

可你聽我說 仔仔細細聽我說

I'll never learn if I never leap

要是不試著放手一搏 我又怎能學會去愛

I'll always yearn if I never speak

總是裹足不前 只會讓我更加渴望自由


To be loved and love at the highest count

竭盡我最大的努力去愛人 也學會愛上自己

Means to lose all the things I can't live without

就算那意味著 會失去我最為珍視的事物

Let it be known that I will choose to lose

讓消息傳遍各地吧  我願向自由無條件投降

It's a sacrifice but I can't live a lie

因為我寧可犧牲自己 也不願活在謊言的陰影下

Let it be known, let it be known that I tried

將消息傳遍各地 昭告世人 我也曾為了自己而活


I'm so afraid but I'm open wide

雖然我害怕的不得了 心胸此時卻無比遼闊

I'll be the one to catch myself this time

因為這回 拯救我倖免於難的人 會是我自己

Trying to learn to lean in to it all

我會為了自己挺身而出 不再退縮

Ain't it funny how the mighty fall?

勇於打倒心魔的我 跟當時簡直判若兩人

Looking back I don't regret a thing

驀然回首 老實說 我一點也不後悔

Yeah, I took some bad turns that I am owning

也許 這過程裡犯了點錯 至少我勇於承擔後果

I'll stand still and let the storm pass by

流言蜚語儘管來吧 我的心志堅若磐石

Keep my heart safe 'til the time feels right

直到對的時機點 遇見對的人前 我會堅守最後一道防線


But oh my, oh my

可你聽我說 你仔細聽我說

I'll never learn if I never leap

要是不曾跌倒過 又怎麼能知道流血的痛?

I'll always yearn if I never speak

要是不勇於承擔風險 只會讓我鑄下大錯


To be loved and love at the highest count

我會竭盡最大的努力去愛人 也學會愛上自己

Means to lose all the things I can't live without

就算那意味著 要我失去此生最為珍視的事物

Let it be known that I will choose to lose

將消息傳遍各地  我願臣服於現實 不再畏怯

It's a sacrifice but I can't live a lie

這次我寧可犧牲小我 也不願活在謊言的陰影下

Let it be known



Let it be known that I cried for you

當初離不開你的我 也曾以淚洗面

Even started lying to you


What a thing to do

而離開你 是我最勇敢的決定

All because I wanted



To be loved and love at the highest count

去竭盡最大的努力 重新找回愛

Means to lose all the things I can't live without

就算那意味著 要失去我最珍貴的寶物

Let it be known, known, known


That I will choose, I will lose

為了愛情 我願意舉雙手投降 就算被傷得一敗塗地

It's a sacrifice but I can't live a lie

犧牲在所難免 可我說什麼也騙不了自己

Let it be known



Let it be known that I tried, that I tried

這樣的我 也曾為自己奮鬥過

Let it be known that I tried

我也曾為了自己 勇敢活下去





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