專輯:Fleetwood Mac 佛利伍麥克同名專輯
Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon (Official Music VIdeo)
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night
黎安儂一開口 就像清脆響亮的啼叫聲 撼動夜色
And wouldn't you love to love her?
能愛上她 該不是你莫大的榮幸嗎?
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight
她像隻行遍天涯的遊隼 捉摸不定
And who will be her lover?
All your life you've never seen a woman
你這一生 肯定沒見過像她這種
Taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
倘若她許你座理想鄉 你是否也會流連忘返
Will you ever win?
She is like a cat in the dark
她像隻黑貓 匿跡於夜幕之中
And then she is the darkness
一轉眼 又成為主宰月亮的女神
She rules her life like a fine skylark
駕馭這片雲彩 成為雲雀之后
And when the sky is starless
惟有漫天無星的夜裡 才肯現蹤
Once in a million years a lady like her rises
曾有個像她一樣的女子 於新月初升時崛起
Oh no, Rhiannon, you cry, but she's gone
噢不 黎安儂啊 他居然哭了 可人兒早已離去
Your life knows no answer, your life knows no answer
你只得竭盡一生 尋覓所謂的正解
All your life you've never seen a woman
Taken by the wind
被風吹拂而來 又隨風而去
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
倘若她許你溫柔鄉 你是否會改變心意
Will you ever win?
Will you ever win?
還是說 你真能鬥過她呢?
Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night
黎安儂稍微動根指頭 就像搖響催魂鈴 勾魂攝魄
And wouldn't you love to love her?
聽見這樣的樂聲 要不愛上她都難
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight
她像匹活脫脫的野馬 如此桀驁不馴
And who will be her lover?
All your life you've never seen a woman
你守候多時 只為等待這位
Taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
倘若性善可親的她 拿伊甸園禁果來款待你
Will you ever win?
Will you ever win?
Taken by, taken by the sky
聞聲前來 又隨風而去
Taken by, taken by the sky
隨風而去 又聞聲前來
Taken by, taken by the sky
聞聲前來 又隨風而去
Dreams unwind
拆解夢境 解析潛意識
Love's a state of mind
愛 不過是在清醒時作夢
Dreams unwind
拆解夢境 解析潛意識
Love's a state of mind
愛 不過是在清醒時作夢