
專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version)


Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran - Run (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) (Lyric Video)


One, two, three, four

一 二 三 四


Give me the keys, I'll bring the car back around

把鑰匙給我吧 好讓我能倒車回頭 回到從前那份凝戀

We shouldn't be in this town

既然不再留戀 又何必流連忘返

And my so-called friends, they don't know

而我那群做作又特別小心眼的朋友 肯定不曉得

I'd drive away before I let you go

下定決心的我 絕不會就這麼放你下車

So give me a reason and don't say no, no

要是你還是想走 那就給我個理由 別只留下一句『辦不到』

There's a chain 'round your throat, piece of paper where I wrote

掛在你頸脖上的鏈條 裡頭裝著一張我親筆寫下的字條 而我在上頭寫著

"I'll wait for you"


There's a key on the chain, there's a picture in a frame

不論是鑰匙圈那充滿鏽斑的鎖匙 還是相框那張你我幸福合影

Take it with you

臨行前 你都帶上吧


And run, like you'd run from the law

然後逃吧 一同逃離這受法律擺佈的地方

Darling, let's run

達令 和我一起逃吧

Run from it all



We can go where our eyes can take us

目光所及之處 都可以是我們的藏身之處

Go where no one else is, run


Ooh, we'll run

噢 就這麼逃吧


So you laugh like a child

像個孩子 笑得前仰後合的你

And I'll sing like no one cares

之於大庭廣眾之下 引吭高歌的我 

No one to be, no one to tell

不須在意誰的目光 也不必告訴任何人


I could see this view a hundred times

我彷彿能看見 往後餘生都這麼做的我們

Pale blue sky reflected in your eyes

而你灰白眼眸裡 忽閃過一絲陰鬱的光芒

So give me a reason and don't say no, no

請告訴我為什麼 拜託你別避而不談 拒絕我


And the note from the locket, you keep it in your pocket

鎖在吊墜中充滿情意的字條 我很清楚 自從我送給你的那天起

Since I gave it to you


There's a heart on your sleeve

而你袖口內襯裡 還藏有真心一顆

I'll take it when I leave

臨行前 我會記得帶在身上

And hold it for you



And run, like you'd run from the law

然後逃吧 就像你當時觸犯愛情法條一樣

Darling, let's run

親愛的 一起逃吧

Run from it all


We can go like they're trying to chase us

不如當路上熙來攘往的行人 都是來逮捕我們的

Go where no one else is, run

而我們的目的地 就是逃到沒有人認識的地方去

Ooh, we'll run

噢 就這麼逃吧


There's been this hole in my heart

我的左心房 被名為愛情的彈丸給射穿

This thing was a shot in the dark

四面受敵的你我 幾乎沒有勝算可言

Say you'll never let 'em tear us apart

向我保證 你絕對不會讓他們有機會得逞

And I'll hold onto you while we run (And we run, and we run, and we run)

而朝自由奔去時 我會緊緊抓住你的手 (我們手牽著手 跑呀跑 去沒有人的地方)


Like you'd run from the law


Darling, let's run

達令 和我一起逃吧

Run from it all



We can go where our eyes can take us

目光所及之處 都可以是我們的藏身之處

Go where no one else is, run


Ooh, we'll run

噢 就這麼逃吧

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