專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) 紅色 (泰勒絲全新版)
Taylor Swift - The Moment I Knew (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)
You should've been there
你本該出現在這裡 給我驚喜的
Should've burst through the door
本該重重推開那扇門 穿越擁擠的人潮
With that "Baby, I'm right here" smile
臉上掛著一抹笑 歉疚地說『親愛的 抱歉我來晚了』
And it would've felt like
動聽的話語 將溫暖我的心房
A million little shining stars had just aligned
化作繁星點點 在那夜空交錯互放 星辰連成一線
And I would've been so happy
依偎在你懷裡 我才會感到幸福
Christmas lights glisten
牆上耶誕燈飾 散發微弱光亮
I've got my eye on the door
我時不時撇頭 留心門前動態
Just waiting for you to walk in
兀自坐在窗邊 靜靜等待你的來到
But the time is ticking
People ask me how I've been
人們詢問我是否安好 而我只得擠出微笑
As I comb back through my memory
反覆梳理我的記憶 心想是否出了差錯
How you said you'd be here
你應該有說過 今天不會遲到的對吧?
You said you'd be here
And it was like slow motion
房裡發生的經過 全成了慢動作
Standing there in my party dress
身穿晚禮服的我 僅是呆滯地凝視前方
In red lipstick
With no one to impress
And they're all laughing
到場的親朋好友 無不開懷大笑
As I'm looking around the room
可就在孤立無助的我 環視四周之時
But there was one thing missing
卻始終少了 對我而言最重要的那個人
And that was the moment I knew
而就在那個當下 我似乎意識到了什麼
And the hours pass by
Now I just wanna be alone
強烈不適感 讓我只想一個人靜靜
But your close friends always seem to know
可你那群知心好友 總能夠察覺我的不對勁之處
When there's something really wrong
就在他們幾人交換眼神 並發覺事有蹊蹺時
So they follow me down the hall
便一路尾隨我 來到會場大廳門口
And there in the bathroom
我衝進廁所 怔怔望著鏡中的自己
I try not to fall apart
And the sinking feeling starts
淚水不斷沸騰 有股情緒反覆翻湧
As I say hopelessly
而我顫抖著雙唇 絕望地說
"He said he'd be here"
And it was like slow motion
閃光燈捕捉到的畫面 彷彿成了慢動作
Standing there in my party dress
身穿晚禮服的我 蹲下身子掩面哭泣
In red lipstick
With no one to impress
And they're all laughing
咧開嘴角的人們 嘲諷似地問我
And asking me about you
But there was one thing missing
本該溫馨畫面 卻少了最重要的一部分
And that was the moment I knew
而我才發現 原來你早就不打算來了
What do you say
When tears are streaming down your face
在你認識的所有人面前發酵 流下淚兩行的時候
In front of everyone you know?
And what do you do
When the one who means the most to you
卻是身邊受邀名單當中 唯一因故缺席的那個
Is the one who didn't show?
被迫獨自面對的你 又該做何感想?
You should've been here
你本該出現在這兒 獻上祝福的
And I would've been so happy
And it was like slow motion
吹熄蠟燭的片段 全成了慢動作
Standing there in my party dress
身穿晚禮服的我 心中只感到五味雜陳
In red lipstick
With no one to impress
卻沒有特別的你 讚許我多美
And they're all standing around me, singing
眾多親朋好友 無不圍繞在我身邊 興奮地哼唱著
"Happy birthday to you"
『泰勒 祝你生日快樂』
But there was one thing missing
但本該快樂的景象 卻少了重要的存在
And that was the moment I knew
而我才了解 原來我對你一點也不重要
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I knew
噢-噢-噢 對你而言 我什麼也不是
You called me later
派對結束後 你總算打來了
And said, "I'm sorry I didn't make it"
你淡淡地說『抱歉 昨天實在抽不出身來』
And I said, "I'm sorry, too"
And that was the moment I knew
而就在那個當下 我才發覺你不愛我