

專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) 紅色 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - Forever Winter (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) (Lyric Video)

He says he doesn't believe anything much he hears these days

他氣惱地說 自己這陣子情緒太過低落 無法再相信周遭聽見任何事情

He says, "Why fall in love, just so you can watch it go away?"

他甚至還說『早知道感情終究會淡去 又何必一頭熱地追求愛情?』

He spends most of his nights wishing it was how it used to be

他那些不成眠的夜晚 睜大雙眼 希望一切能夠還原到事情發生以前

He spends most of his flights getting pulled down by gravity

他用盡各種方法 試著讓自己高興起來 卻一次次遭到現實無情重摔


I call, just checking up on him

我於是決定打電話 關心他的情形

He's up, 3 AM, pacing

他便接起 半夜三點 來回踱步

He says, "It's not just a phase I'm in"

他告訴我『也許 我這樣並不只是低潮期』

My voice comes out begging

我幾近哀求地開口 卻愛莫能助


All this time I didn't know

這段日子以來 我絲毫不知情

You were breaking down


I'd fall to pieces on the floor

要是你選擇離開人世 放棄生命

If you weren't around

我將跪倒在地 泣不成聲


Too young to know it gets better

是我這個作朋友的 不懂事太過年輕

I'll be summer sun for you forever

我願化作旭陽 點亮世界 只為讓你好受

Forever winter if you go

你走了以後 我的世界從此進入永冬


He seems fine most of the time

他平時看似毫無異狀 與人相處愉快

Forcing smiles and never minds

但實際上卻是強顏歡笑 勉為其難

His laugh is a symphony

他的笑聲 就好比交響樂悅耳

When the lights go out, it's hard to breathe

可當燈光一滅 他便遭情緒吞沒 幾乎快不能呼吸

I pull at every thread trying to solve the puzzles in his head

我依循現有的線索 抽絲剝繭 試圖從他紊亂無條理的腦袋理出頭緒

Live my life scared to death he'll decide to leave instead

若他做出什麼傻事 就這樣離開人世 我會一輩子活在悔痛之中


I call, just checking up on him

我又慌又急 打電話到他家去關心

He's up, 5 AM, wasted

他卻還醒著 凌晨五點 喝個爛醉

Long gone, not even listening

意識渙散 就連我說什麼也沒聽見

My voice comes out screaming 

我的喉嚨硬生生擠出聲音 幾近吶喊


All this time I didn't know

這段日子以來 我絲毫不知情

You were breaking down


I'd fall to pieces on the floor

要是你選擇離開人世 放棄生命

If you weren't around

我將跪倒在地 泣不成聲


Too young to know it gets better

是我這個作朋友的 不懂事太過年輕

I'll be summer sun for you forever

我願化作旭陽 點亮世界 只為讓你好受

Forever winter if you go

你走了以後 我的世界從此進入永冬


If I was standing there in your apartment

倘若憾事發生當晚 我人就在你公寓內 陪在你身邊

I'd take that bomb in your head and disarm it

或許 我就能拆下你腦袋那顆未爆彈 及時阻止一切

I'd say I love you even at your darkest and

哪怕你心被黑夜籠罩 我也願意愛你 還有就是說

Please don't go



I didn't know


You were breaking down


I'd fall to pieces on the floor

假如你寧可不告而別 就這麼走掉

If you weren’t around


Too young to know it gets better

沒能及早覺察到你的不對 都是我不好

I'll be summer sun for you forever

我願作旭陽 點亮你那漫無天日的世界

Forever winter if you go

若你離開 這世界將下起無盡風雪


I'll be your summer sun forever

我願成為你的專屬燦陽 直到永遠

At 3 AM, pacing

凌晨三點 踱步徘徊

All this time I didn't know

這段日子以來 我怎會幫不了你

At 5 AM, wasted

清晨五點鐘 爛醉的你

I'd be in pieces on the floor

我心將化成粉碎 重重倒臥在地

Forever winter if you go



He says he doesn't believe anything much he hears these days

他坦言最近過得不太好 總覺得身邊周遭的所見所聞 完全不值得信任

I say, "Believe in one thing, I won't go away"

我會告訴他『相信我 我會陪在你身邊 哪兒也不去』


* 本曲獻給泰勒的高中好友,Jeff Lang,他在二十一歲時因藥物過量而死。


*繼"Champagne Problems"及"Renegade"後,又一全新力作。



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