
專輯:Fleetwood Mac/ Stand Back: 1981 - 2017


作詞人:Stevie Nicks 史蒂薇妮克絲

Crystal/ Lindsey Buckingham

Crystal/ Stevie Nicks


Do you always trust your first, initial feeling?

看破紅塵的你 是否也對第六感深信不疑?

Special knowledge holds true, bears believing

既神秘又難以捉摸 卻不失公允

I turned around and the water was closing all around

驀然回首 海水已然漫淹至雙膝處

Like a glove

像隻溫暖的手 緊緊裹覆著我

Like the love, that had finally, finally found me

也像雙生之火 歷經千辛萬苦才認出我

And I knew

而我總算看清 站在不遠處

In the crystalline knowledge of you

那橫越千年 只為此刻相遇的你

Drove me through the mountain 有股莫名的引力 驅使我登峰造極 Through the crystal-like clear water fountain 穿越那濁瑩分明 如晶玉般透徹的瀑水 Drove me like a magnet 受磁石作用下 牽領著我 To the sea 踏上海灘 To the sea 走過白沙灣 To the sea, yeah 回到你身邊


How the faces of love changed turning the pages

如書般充斥多向度的愛 教人難以分曉

And I have changed

而我的樣貌跟從前相比 也變了不少

Oh but you, you remain ageless

可歲月 卻不曾在你臉上留下痕跡

I turned around and the water was closing all around

倏地回頭 海水已然淹沒我的雙膝

Like a glove

像張網 牢牢包裹住我

Like the love


That had finally, finally found me

歷經千辛萬苦 才認出我

And I knew


In the crystalline knowledge of you

我便看清 那只在夢裡相會的你

Drove me through the mountain 有股莫名的引力 驅使我登峰造極 Through the crystal-like clear water fountain 穿越那濁瑩分明 如水晶般透徹的瀑水 Drove me like a magnet 受磁石作用下 牽領著我 To the sea 踏上海灘 To the sea 越過白沙灣 To the sea, yeah 回到你身邊



I turned around and the water was closing around me

驀然回首 泉水已然匯聚於腳底 為我橫槊賦詩

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