
專輯:Let Go 展翅高飛


Avril Lavigne - Sk8er Boi (Official Music Video)


He was a boy, she was a girl

當時他和她 不過是情竇初開的高中生

Can I make it any more obvious?


He was a punk, she did ballet

當一介龐克族 槓上富家女

What more can I say?


He wanted her, she'd never tell

對男孩的戀慕之情 知情的女孩隻字未提

Secretly she wanted him as well

事實上 她也偷偷喜歡著男孩

But all of her friends stuck up their nose

只不過 身邊跩個二五八萬的朋友 總要批評他的外在

They had a problem with his baggy clothes

身穿寬衣垮褲的男孩 似乎引起他們不小的非議


He was a skater boy, she said, "See you later, boy"

他不過是個溜滑板的 女孩向他說「嘿 等會兒見囉」

He wasn't good enough for her

人人都說『那傢伙 怎麼可能配得上你』

She had a pretty face, but her head was up in space

儘管有張漂亮臉蛋 卻有著轉不動的死腦筋

She needed to come back down to earth

思想古板的她 需要稍微被當代文化薰陶一下


Five years from now, she sits at home

過了五年後 當年的女孩坐在家裡

Feeding the baby, she's all alone

褪下衣服餵母乳 當時的小男友 早就不知道跟誰跑了

She turns on TV, guess who she sees

打開電視機的她 你猜猜怎麼著?

Skater boy rockin' up MTV

舞台中央受到簇擁歡呼的 正是當初她拒絕的男孩

She calls up her friends, they already know

她打給好朋友們 才發現他們早已知情

And they've all got tickets to see his show

就連票都買好 準備要去他的演唱會狂歡

She tags along, stands in the crowd

她偷偷尾隨觀眾進場 站在滿滿人潮末端

Looks up at the man that she turned down

只為了看看當初 她狠心拒絕的男孩一面


He was a skater boy, she said, "See you later, boy"

當時的他 不過是個溜滑板的 女孩一句話就把男孩給甩了

He wasn't good enough for her

狠心地說『像你這種玩音樂的 根本配不上我條件這麼好的』

Now he's a superstar slammin' on his guitar

現在男孩成了搖滾巨星 玩著苦練多年的吉他

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

現在睜不開眼睛的你 是不是也明白他有多麼耀眼了?


Sorry, girl, but you missed out

抱歉啦女孩 看來你錯失了良機

Well, tough luck, that boy's mine now

真可惜哪 現在這男孩歸我所有

We are more than just good friends

我們可不只是 你當初所謂的『好朋友』

This is how the story ends

你們兩人 也早就不可能再續前緣

Too bad that you couldn't see

當初的你沒看清 這才華洋溢的男孩 

See the man that boy could be

將來肯定大有可為 實在太過可惜 

There is more than meets the eye

我所看見的 不只是膚淺的外在 

I see the soul that is inside


He's just a boy and I'm just a girl

現在的我們 不過是打得火熱的愛侶

Can I make it any more obvious?


We are in love, haven't you heard


How we rock each other's world?

還有我們如何 把彼此搞得天翻地覆?


I'm with the skater boy (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


I said, "See you later, boy" (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

朝他輕輕一吻 向他說「親愛的 待會兒見啦

I'll be backstage after the show (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

等你表演結束 我會在後台休息區等你」

I'll be at our studio (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


Singin' the song we wrote (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


About a girl you used to know (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


I'm with the skater boy (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

跟搖滾巨星 走到一塊兒

I said, "See you later, boy" (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

俯身一吻 向他說「親愛的 待會兒見啦

I'll be backstage after the show (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

等你安可曲唱完 我會在後台休息區等你」

I'll be at our studio (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


Singin' the song we wrote (Yeah, yeah, yeah)


About a girl you used to know (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

歌詞內容是關於 那個曾狠狠傷過你的女孩


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