

專輯:Mirage 海市蜃樓


Wish You Were Here (2016 Remaster)


There's distance between us

儘管你我之間的距離 有著千里之遙

And you're on my mind

縈繞在心頭的你 卻揮之不去

As I lay here in the darkness

把頭埋進枕頭的我 纏綿悱惻

I can find no peace inside

心裡被掀起的波瀾 難以平息


I wish you were here holding me tight

多希望悲傷時候 能有你緊緊摟住我

If I had you near, you'd make it alright

倘若有你在身邊 難題都能迎刃而解

I wish you were here

多希望 此刻能有你在身邊

'Cause I feel like a child tonight

帶給不堅強的我 一絲絲救贖  


There's rain on my window

雨滴附於室內窗上 引我心傷悲

And I can count the drops

百無聊賴的我 甚至能一一盡數

But I can't help feeling lonely

可無以名狀的悲傷 又不免令我傷感

There's no way, no way that I could stop

多希望有什麼方法 能安慰我脆弱的心靈


I wish you were here holding me tight

多希望悲傷時候 能有你緊緊摟住我

If I had you near, you'd make it alright

倘若有你在身邊 難題都能迎刃而解

I wish you were here

多希望 此刻能有你在身邊

'Cause I feel like a child tonight

帶給不堅強的我 一點點慰藉


Each moment is a memory

與你相處的每一刻 都是無可取代的回憶

Time's so unkind


Every hour filled with an emptiness

掏空了所有 被虛假填充

I can't hide

我的悲傷 無所遁形


Oh, there's distance between us

儘管你就在身邊 我們之間卻觸不可及

And you're on my mind

縈繞在心頭的你 揮之不去

As I lay here in the darkness

我把頭埋進枕頭裡 輾轉不能眠

I can find no peace inside

心裡被掀起的波瀾 再也無法平息


I wish you were here holding me tight

多希望悲傷時候 能有你緊緊摟住我

If I had you near, you'd make it alright

倘若有你在身邊 難題都能迎刃而解

I wish you were here

多希望 此刻能有你在身邊

'Cause I feel like a child tonight

帶給不堅強的我 一點點慰藉


Wish you were here

多希望 現在你人能出現


    創作者 pch 的頭像


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