專輯:Piece By Piece
Kelly Clarkson - Piece by Piece (Official Music Video)
Kelly Clarkson - Piece By Piece (American Idol The Farewell Season)
And all I remember is your back
我對你的記憶 只剩那時的背影
Walkin' towards the airport, leavin' us all in your past
頭也不回地走進機場裡 把原地哭喊的我扔在原地
I traveled fifteen hundred miles to see you
年幼的我獨自飛到五百英哩外 只為見你一面
Begged you to want me, but you didn’t want to
站在你家門前 懇求你回我身邊 而你卻冷漠地拒絕我
But piece by piece, he collected me
但日復一日 他陪著我重新拾回地上碎片
Up off the ground, where you abandoned things, yeah
將你徹底摔碎的心 一點一滴地拼湊完整
Piece by piece, he filled the holes
日復一日 他用滿盈的愛呵護我
That you burned in me at six years old
And you know
而且呀 爸你知道嗎?
He never walks away, he never asks for money
他連一步也不願離開我身邊 也不曾向我伸手要過錢
He takes care of me, he loves me
還會無微不至地照顧我 更不計回報地愛我
Piece by piece, he restored my faith
在他的陪伴下 我也重新學會如何去相信人
That a man can be kind and a father could stay
我這才發現『原來 這世上真有值得我信賴的男人』
And all of your words fall flat
無論你許過多少承諾 還是一再讓我失望
I made somethin' of myself and now you wanna come back
等我好不容易為自己掙了點什麼 你才肯要我
But your love, it isn’t free, it has to be earned
但爸 你肯定不懂愛的意義 總要別人付出才值得你回饋
Back then I didn’t have anything you needed, so I was worthless
所以無論當時的我再怎麼努力 對你還是毫無價值可言
But piece by piece, he collected me
但日復一日 他陪著我重新拾回地上碎片
Up off the ground, where you abandoned things, yeah
將你摔碎的心 一點一滴地拼湊完整
Piece by piece, he filled the holes
日復一日 他用滿盈的愛填補過去傷痛
That you burned in me at six years old
And you know
而且呀 爸你知道嗎?
He never walks away, he never asks for money
他連一步也不願離開我身邊 也不曾向我伸手要過錢
He takes care of me, he loves me
無微不至地呵護我 更會不求回報地愛我
Piece by piece, he restored my faith
在他的陪伴下 我也重新學會如何去相信人
That a man can be kind and a father could stay
我這才發現『原來 父親真能給孩子一個充滿關愛的家』
Piece by piece, I fell far from the tree
現在的我 永遠也不會像當年的你
I will never leave her like you left me
狠心拋下自己的孩子 自顧自地離開
And she will never have to wonder her worth
而她永遠也不必自責『是不是自己不夠好 爸爸才會不要我了』
Because unlike you, I’m gonna put her first
因為她不必做任何事 就能得到我的愛與珍視
And you know
而且呀 爸你知道嗎?
He'll never walk away, he'll never break her heart
我的他從來寸步不離 也捨不得去傷她的心
He'll take care of things, he'll love her
能一肩扛起所有責任 更無怨無悔地愛著她
Piece by piece, he restored my faith
在他的陪伴下 我一點一滴地拾回對人的信任
That a man can be kind and a father should be great
也終於了解到 『原來我 也是值得被一個人深深愛著的』
* 凱莉克勞森與自己和父親的和解歌。