Ed Sheeran - First Times [Official Lyric Video]
How was I to know? It's a crazy thing
I showed you my hand and you still let me win
就算把底牌表露無遺 你還是毫不猶豫地蓋牌
And who was I to say that this was meant to be?
而我又有什麼資格 宣佈這場勝利水到渠成?
The road that was broken brought us together
多虧這趟篳路藍縷的旅程 我們才能走到一起
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
我很清楚 你大可選擇手牌裡任何一張國王
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring
能將那顆寂寞芳心 化作枝頭綻放的桃花
When I fold, you see the best in me
儘管我蓋牌認輸 你仍抽出盒底深處
The joker and the queen
那張無名鬼牌 來搭配像你這樣的王妃
I've been played before, if you hadn't guessed
假如你還沒看出來 我也玩過類似的遊戲
So I kept my cards close to my foolproof vest
所以我才會把手牌貼在胸前 不讓誰拆穿
But you called my bluff (But you called my bluff)
而你竟一點也不畏懼 還對我虛張聲勢
And saw through all my tells (And saw through all my tells)
And then you went all-in
將籌碼全數推入池子裡 瓦解我的心防
And we left together
於是我倆選擇蓋牌 不再相互猜忌
And I know you think that what makes a king
你我都清楚 造就神仙眷侶誕生的
Is gold, a palace and diamond rings
是一座座輝煌宮殿 還有數不盡的財寶
When I fold, you see the best in me
可每當我輸得一敗塗地 只有你不離不棄
The joker and the queen
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
其實我心裏明白 自己高攀不起如此尊貴的你
And hearts that could give you a diamond ring
一顆善解人意的心 便足以吸引眾多仰慕者
When I fold, you see the best in me
每當我陷入愁雲慘霧 你卻願意駐足停留
The joker and the queen
[Instrumental Break]
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
其實我心裏明白 自己高攀不起如此尊貴的你
And hearts that could give you a diamond ring
一顆善解人意的心 便足以吸引眾多仰慕者
When I fold, you see the best in me
每當我就要屈服於現實 你仍無條件支持我
The joker and the queen
用你那滿盈的愛 溫暖我的世界
The joker and the queen
陪在我身邊 不離不棄
[Original Lyrics]
[Verse I]
How was I to know? It's a crazy thing
I showed you my hand and you still let me win
就算把底牌表露無遺 你還是毫不猶豫地蓋牌
And who was I to say that this was meant to be?
而我又有什麼資格 宣佈這場勝利水到渠成?
The road that was broken brought us together
多虧這趟篳路藍縷的旅程 我們才能走到一起
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
我很清楚 你大可選擇手牌裡任何一張國王
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring
能將那顆寂寞芳心 化作枝頭綻放的桃花
When I fold, you see the best in me
儘管我蓋牌認輸 你仍抽出盒底深處
The joker and the queen
那張無名鬼牌 來搭配像你這樣的王妃
[Verse II]
I was upside down from the outside in
無論從裡到外 現實都將我徹底打敗
You came to the table and you went all in
你卻願意接納這樣的我 甚至陪伴在左右
With a single word and a gentle touch
溫柔地將我擁入懷裡 簡單一句「沒關係」
You turned a moment into forever
便將那剎那 轉變為彌足珍貴的永恆
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
其實我心裏明白 自己高攀不起如此尊貴的你
And hearts that could give you a diamond ring
一顆善解人意的心 便足以吸引眾多仰慕者
When I fold, you see the best in me
每當我陷入愁雲慘霧 你卻願意駐足停留
The joker and the queen
[Instrumental Break]
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
其實我心裏明白 自己高攀不起如此尊貴的你
And hearts that could give you a diamond ring
一顆善解人意的心 便足以吸引眾多仰慕者
When I fold, you see the best in me
每當我就要屈服於現實 你仍無條件支持我
The joker and the queen
用你那滿盈的愛 溫暖我的世界
The joker and the queen
陪在我身邊 不離不棄