專輯:1989 (Taylor’s Version)


Taylor Swift - Bad Blood ft. Kendrick Lamar


'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood

現在的我們 從此勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love (Uh)


So take a look what you've done (Uh)

倒不如退幾步 看看你都幹了什麼好事

‘Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood (Uh), hey! (Hey!)

拜你所賜 現在的我們再也回不去 嘿!


I can't take it back, look where I'm at (Uh)

凡是說出的話都覆水難收 看看我落得如此下場

We was OG like D.O.C., remember that? (Remember that?)

你我也曾像末路狂花羨煞眾人 難道你毫無印象?

My TLC was quite OD, ID my facts (ID my)

把你謹記在心 把你呵護得無微不至

Now POV of you and me, similar Iraq

而今你我水火不容 如同伊拉克局勢

I don't hate you, but I hate to critique, overrate you

其實我不討厭你這人 但要我給五星評價簡直過了頭

These beats of a dark heart, use basslines to replace you

歷經一番天人交戰後 浴火重生的我現在要將你取代

Take time and erase you, love don't hear no more

花了點時間才消滅你的存在 而今對你的愛不復存在

No, I don't fear no more

沒錯 現在的我無所畏懼

Better yet, respect ain't quite sincere no more, ah!

倒不如說 將猛虎放出籠的你終將付出代價 啊!


Oh, it's so sad to

噢 光是回想起

Think about the good times


You and I



'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood

現在的你我 從此勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love


So take a look what you've done

倒不如退一步 看看你都幹了哪些好事

'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

拜你所賜 現在的我們再也回不去 嘿!

Now we've got problems

如今我們的友誼 出了點差錯

And I don't think we can solve 'em (Uh)

而我不認為 誰有辦法修復這段關係

You made a really deep cut (Uh)

坦白說 你真的傷我傷得不輕

And, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey! (Hey!)

而現在要你我回去 簡直就是癡人說夢 嘿!


Remember when you tried to write me off? (Uh-huh)


Remember when you thought I'd take a loss?

還以為我會就此敗下陣來 這不過是復仇大計的一環

Don't you remember? You thought that I would need ya


Follow procedure, remember? Oh, wait, you got amnesia

遵從指引向你下跪求饒 這些你都忘了?噢 也對 你有嚴重失憶傾向

It was my season for battle wounds

風水輪流轉 也該輪到我霸氣回歸

Battle scars, body bumped, bruised

看我上陣殺敵 踩過一具又一具屍體 儘管早已鱗傷遍體

Stabbed in the back; brimstone, fire jumping through

又被誰從背後捅了幾刀 還得邊跑邊閃躲會噴火的硫磺  

Still, all my life, I got money and power

話雖如此 我仍享有取用不盡的富貴榮華

And you gotta live with the bad blood now

從今以後 你都只能活在我的陰影下


Oh, it's so sad to

噢 光是回想起

Think about the good times


You and I



'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood

現在的我們 早已成為彼此的宿敵

You know it used to be mad love

儘管你我 也曾是生死與共的莫逆

So take a look what you've done

不妨回頭看看 你都幹了多少好事

'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

拜你所賜 我們從此勢不兩立 嘿!

Now we've got problems

而你我的友誼 出了點小差錯

And I don't think we can solve 'em

而我認為 如今你認錯也於事無補

You made a really deep cut

當初最愛的你 卻是傷我最深的人

And, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

而現在的我 絕對要給你好看 嘿!


Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes

再多句對不起 也無法贖回我的信任

You say sorry just for show

你所謂的道歉 只是在媒體前作秀

If you live like that, you live with ghosts

若你還能心安理得 那你心裡肯定有鬼

You forgive, you forget, but you never let it go

人們說放下仇恨 學會放過對方 但自始至終你都不曾放下 

Band-Aids don't fix bullet holes

縫了再多針 也無法修補被背叛的痛

You say sorry just for show

無論道了再多歉 還是一樣地虛偽

If you live like that, you live with ghosts (Uh, uh)

要是你問心無愧 那你肯定是在騙鬼

If you love like that, blood runs cold

要是你不知羞恥 那你還真是不要臉


'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood

現在的我們 早已成為彼此的宿敵

You know it used to be mad love

儘管你我 也曾是生死與共的莫逆

So take a look what you've done

不妨回頭看看 你都幹了多少好事

'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey! (Bad blood)

拜你所賜 我們從此勢不兩立 嘿!

Now we've got problems

如今你我的友誼 出了點小差錯

And I don't think we can solve 'em (Think we can solve 'em)


You made a really deep cut

當初最愛的你 卻是傷我最深的人

And, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

而現在的我 絕對要讓你嚐嚐報復的滋味 嘿!

'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood

現在的你我 從此勢不兩立

You know it used to be mad love


So take a look what you've done (Look what you've done)

倒不如退一步 看看你都幹了哪些好事

'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!

拜你所賜 現在的我們再也回不去 嘿!

Now we've got problems

如今我們的友誼 出了點差錯

And I don't think we can solve 'em (Uh)

而我不認為 誰有辦法修復這段關係

You made a really deep cut (Uh)

坦白說 你真的傷我傷得不輕

And, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey! (Hey!)

而現在要你我回去 簡直就是癡人說夢 嘿!






"Band-aids don't fix bullet-holes, you said sorry just for show."













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