
專輯:Some Hearts


pitch perfect 2 riff off full

Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats (Official Video)


Right now, he's probably slow dancing

此時的他 應該正摟著哪個八婆的腰 跟著節拍搖擺著

With a bleached-blond tramp


And she's probably getting frisky

喝得爛醉的她 屁股扭得可賣力了

Right now, he's probably buying her some fruity little drink

說不定 那傢伙還買了香甜可口的妹酒請她

'Cause she can't shoot a whiskey

因為她用嗲聲撒嬌 說自己不喜歡喝威士忌

Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick

要不然就是用下體抵著她的屁股 手裡握著撞球桿

Showing her how to shoot a combo


And he don't know



I dug my key into the side

我抓起車鑰匙 刮花了板金

Of his pretty little souped up four-wheel drive

將他的寶貝四輪驅動車 毀得面目全非

Carved my name into his leather seats

順便將我的名字 刻在他特製的牛皮椅上

I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights

拿了他的珍藏球棒 把車前燈打個稀巴爛

Slashed a hole in all four tires

再拿把開山刀 割破四顆輪胎

Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats

也許下次要偷吃前 他就會稍微動點腦筋了


Right now, she's probably up singing some

現在那賤人 大概正要把硬幣投進點唱機

White-trash version of Shania karaoke

不斷用奇怪的白人口音 翻唱仙妮亞的歌

Right now, she's probably saying, "I'm drunk"

而喝茫的她還會假裝站不穩 需要人攙扶

And he's a thinking that he's gonna get lucky

而他在心中暗自竊喜 準備要邀她回家泡茶聊天

Right now, he's probably dabbing on

現在的他 八成還鼓搗著那台機器

Three dollars worth of that bathroom Polo

不過投了三塊 就妄想全身都有古龍水味

Oh, and he don't know

噢 可憐的他還不曉得


Oh, that I dug my key into the side

噢 我抓起車鑰匙 使盡吃奶的力氣朝板金刮下去

Of his pretty little souped up four-wheel drive

將他的寶貝四輪驅動車 毀得面目全非

Carved my name into his leather seats

體貼地將我的名字 刻在他特製的牛皮椅上

I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights

借用他的珍藏球棒 把車前燈打個稀巴爛

Slashed a hole in all four tires

再拿他的高級瑞士刀 戳破四顆輪胎

Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats

也許下次要偷吃前 他就會稍微動點腦筋了


I might've saved a little trouble for the next girl

我大概為哪個不長眼的癡情少女 省了點麻煩

'Cause the next time that he cheats


Oh, you know it won't be on me

噢 可就不是背著我嚕

No, not on me

唉呦 這可不是我的錯喔


'Cause I dug my key into the side

於是我抓起車鑰匙 刮花了板金

Of his pretty little souped up four-wheel drive

將他的寶貝四輪驅動車 毀得面目全非

Carved my name into his leather seats

體貼地將我的名字 刻在他特製的牛皮椅上

I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights

借用他的珍藏球棒 把車前燈打個稀巴爛

Slashed a hole in all four tires

再拿他的高級瑞士刀 割破四顆輪胎

Maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats

也許下次要搞上下一個前 他就不會只用下體思考了


Oh, maybe next time, he'll think before he cheats

噢 也許下次他的大頭就能管得住小頭了

Oh, before he cheats

噢 偷吃可要懂得三思呀


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