專輯:Norman Fucking Rockwell! 諾曼去你的洛克威爾
I miss Long Beach and I miss you, babe
我懷念長島的點滴 同時也惦記著你
I miss dancing with you the most of all
但最為懷念的 還是與你共舞的時光
I miss the bar where the Beach Boys would go
我還記得 海灘男孩偶爾會到某間酒吧駐唱
Dennis' last stop before Kokomo
想必丹尼斯到海島度假前 肯定還去了幾趟
Those nights were on fire
那些日子 還真是奔放得猖狂
We couldn't get higher
包含我們在內的群眾 都為之瘋狂
We didn't know that we had it all
而年少情狂的我們 又怎會懂得去珍惜
But nobody warns you before the fall
可失足落水前 又怎會有人預先告誡你
And I'm wasted
而我 醉得不省人事
Don't leave‚ I just need a wake-up call
別離我而去 破曉時的我需要有人相伴
I'm facing the greatest
而今 我所要面對的
The greatest loss of them all
The culture is lit and I had a ball
一直以來 我都十分欣賞當代文化
I guess I'm signing off after all
事已至此 我想我也只能就此擱筆
[Guitar Solo]
I miss New York and I miss the music
我懷念紐約一帶 還有自成一格的曲風
Me and my friends‚ we miss rock 'n' roll
我和三五好友 相約到酒吧聽搖滾樂團
I want shit to feel just like it used to
我多希望 一切能他媽回到那個當下
When‚ baby, I was doing nothin' the most of all
儘管當時的我 仍只是個懵懂的孩子
The culture is lit, and if this is it‚ I had a ball
若文化已然消逝 那可真夠我受的了
I guess that I'm burned out after all
我想驅使我的動力 可能也就此蕭條
And I'm wasted
而我 醉得不省人事
Don't leave‚ I just need a wake-up call
別離我而去 拂曉時的我需要有人搖醒我
I'm facing the greatest
而今 我所要面對的
The greatest loss of them all
The culture is lit and I had a ball
從前欣賞的當代文化 消失於長河
I guess I'm signing off after all
事已至此 我想我也只能就此擱筆
If this is it, I'm signing off
若事已至此 我想我也只能就此停筆
Miss doing nothin' the most of all
我可真懷念 當年無所事事的時光
Hawaii just missed that fireball
隕石差那麼一點 就要砸中夏威夷
L.A. is in flames‚ it's getting hot
因應氣候變遷 洛城氣溫只升不降
Kanye West is blond and gone
遭人誤解的泰勒絲 成功釐清了誤會
"Life on Mars?" ain't just a song
I hope the live stream's almost on
多希望這樣的人生 不過是現場轉播