
專輯:folklore 美麗傳說


Taylor Swift – epiphany (Official Lyric Video)


Keep your helmet, keep your life, son

各位弟兄 鋼盔戴好 小命就只有一條

Just a flesh wound, here's your rifle

就這麼點皮肉小傷 還不快握好步槍

Crawling up the beaches now

趕緊匍匐前進 前往會合的海灘

"Sir, I think he's bleeding out"

『長官 我認為他快撐不住了』

And some things you just can't speak about

有些事情 在某個當下始終讓人難以啟齒


With you I serve, with you I fall down, down

我願為國捐軀 為國家的子民們犧牲奉獻

Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out, out

守在你身邊看你掙扎 直到嚥下最後一口氣


Something med school did not cover

世上人情冷暖 是醫學院所學不到的

Someone's daughter, someone's mother

奄奄一息的她曾是誰的孩子 亦是誰的母親

Holds your hand through plastic now

緊握那隻冰冷的手 身上插著維生器材的她命懸一線

"Doc, I think she's crashing out"

『醫生 她好像撐不下去了』

And some things you just can't speak about

這樣的事情 似乎是人們所無法公然提及的


Only twenty minutes to sleep


But you dream of some epiphany


Just one single glimpse of relief

恍然大悟的你 不禁感到解脫

To make some sense of what you've seen

發現換個角度思考 一切便說得通了


With you I serve, with you I fall down, down (Down)

為了你我願貢獻心力 就算為此倒下也心甘情願

Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out, out

直到你終究不敵病魔折磨 闔上眼從此撒手人寰

With you I serve (With you I serve), with you I fall down (Down), down (Down)

我願為國捐軀 為國家的子民們犧牲奉獻

Watch you breathe in (Watch you breathe in), watch you breathing out (Out), out (Out)

直到你嚥下了最後一口氣 停止呼吸心跳


Only twenty minutes to sleep


But you dream of some epiphany


Just one single glimpse of relief

恍然大悟的你 不禁感到解脫

To make some sense of what you've seen

換個角度思考後 原來世間會更美好

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