專輯:Reputation (Taylor’s Version) - 舉世盛名 (泰勒絲全新版)
See you in the dark
你的降臨 為黑夜揭開序幕
All eyes on you, my magician
從煙幕走出的魔術師 成為全場焦點
All eyes on us
You make everyone disappear, and
才一彈指 觀眾便從此消失 而你
Cut me into pieces
俐落的一刀 將我切成兩半
Gold cage, hostage to my feelings
解開金籠大鎖 要脅挾持我的情感
Back against the wall
Trippin', trip-trippin' when you're gone
每當你一離開 便發狂似地找尋你的身影
'Cause we break down a little
你我之間 的確出了點小問題
But when you get me alone, it's so simple
但只要把我逼進牆角 一切再簡單不過
'Cause baby, I know what you know
因為呀 親愛的 我對你可說是瞭若指掌
We can feel it
And all the pieces fall right into place
一切水到渠成 就像破鏡再度圓滿
Getting caught up in a moment
就在那個當下 我因一時衝動
Lipstick on your face
So it goes…
I'm yours to keep
And I'm yours to lose
You know I'm not a bad girl, but I
你該知道我這人不壞 但我可以
Do bad things with you
So it goes…
Met you in a bar
All eyes on me, your illusionist
一踏進那裡 便陷入你的幻象
All eyes on us
I make all your gray days clear
你那愁雲慘霧 就由我來驅散
And wear you like a necklace
而我 像珠寶將你驕傲地展示於頸項
I'm so chill, but you make me jealous
我無意滋事 你卻逼得我醋勁大發
But I got your heart
不過呀 你的心可是還在我手上
Skippin', skip-skippin' when I'm gone
只要我想要 隨時隨地都能讓你心跳漏拍
'Cause we break down a little
出師不利的你我 準備確實不周全
But when I get you alone, it's so simple
可只要我強使你做抉擇 選項再單純不過
'Cause baby, I know what you know
因為呀 對你那縝密心思 我也略有涉獵
We can feel it
不得不坦承 我也對你動了情愫
And all the pieces fall right into place
一切水到渠成 就像破鏡再度圓滿
Getting caught up in a moment
就在那個當下 我被慾望沖昏了頭
Lipstick on your face
兀自吻去 將唇印留在你頰上
So it goes…
I'm yours to keep
And I'm yours to lose
You know I'm not a bad girl, but I
你該知道我這人不壞 但我願意
Do bad things with you
為你改變 哪怕會鑄下大錯
So it goes…
Come here, dressed in black now
披著夜暮的偽裝 前來我身邊
So, so, so it goes
於我跟前 褪去防備
Scratches down your back now
眾人尖銳目光 有如芒刺在背
So, so, so it goes
順其自然就好 我早已無所畏懼
You did a number on me
你對我 默念倒數的咒語
But, honestly, baby, who's counting?
但告訴我 親愛的 真正施咒的又是誰?
I did a number on you
我湊近你耳邊 對你做了同樣的事
But, honestly, baby, who's counting?
但老實說 我不明白這麼做有什麼意義?
You did a number on me
你對我 下了最後通牒
But, honestly, baby, who's counting?
但不撐到最後 又有誰會行動呢?
Who's counting? (One, two, three)
And all the pieces fall (Pieces fall) right into place
一切水到渠成 就像破鏡重圓
Getting caught up in a moment (Caught up, caught up)
就在那個當下 我因一時衝動
Lipstick on your face
So it goes…
I'm yours to keep (Oh)
And I'm yours to lose (Baby)
You know I'm not a bad girl, but I
你該知道我這人不壞 但我可以
Do bad things with you
將錯就錯 與你連袂鑄下大罪
So it goes…
Come here, dressed in black now
穿著指定黑衣 來約定之地與我會合
So, so, so it goes
Scratches down your back now
So, so, so it goes
Come here, dressed in black now
披著夜暮的偽裝 前來我身邊
So, so, so it goes
於我跟前 褪去防備
Scratches down your back now
眾人尖銳目光 有如芒刺在背
So, so, so it goes
可我不在乎 我早已無所畏懼