
專輯:Dangerous Woman 危險尤物


Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj - Side To Side (Official Video) ft. Nicki Minaj


I've been here all night (Ariana)

我在這兒紮營等你到來 徹夜未眠 (亞莉安娜強勢回歸)

I've been here all day (Nicki Minaj)

苦等了老半天 準備挑燈夜戰 (麻辣雞聯手出擊)

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Let'em hoes know)

而親愛的 我只想被你搞到連站得站不穩 (讓那些小婊子們 嚐嚐我們的厲害)


I'm talkin' to ya


See you standing over there with your body

光是看見挺著結實胸膛的你 鍛鍊大肌肌 

Feeling like I wanna rock with your body

就令我慾火焚身 等不及要與你翻雲覆雨

And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('Bout nothin')

真想甩開道德魔人 在大庭廣眾下和你激情纏綿

I'm comin' at ya


'Cause I know you got a bad reputation

你應該也有聽說過 我本來就不怎麼好的名聲

Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation

沒差啦 反正你正好能撫慰我幼小受創的心靈

And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin' ('Bout nothin')

廢話不多說 現在我只想撲倒你直接開幹


These friends keep talkin' way too much

身邊這群朋友 老是說我愛胡思亂想

Say I should give you up

要我早點忘了你 趕緊向前看

Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...

全被我當成耳邊風 因為人家我...


I've been here all night

在這兒紮營等你到來 徹夜未眠

I've been here all day

在這等了老半天 準備挑燈夜戰

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

親愛的 還不快把我搞到連站得站不穩


Been tryna hide it


Baby, what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?

要是不知情人士 對我們說三道四該怎麼辦?

Makin' everybody think that we solo

還讓普羅大眾誤以為 只要單身就能胡作非為

Just as long as you know you got me (You got me)

相信這些麻煩 等你撲倒我便會煙消雲散

And boy, I got ya

親愛的 有我罩你

'Cause tonight I'm making deals with the devil

因為預計今晚 我將和惡魔簽訂契約

And I know it's gonna get me in trouble

就算在得知這麼做 會惹上不少麻煩的前提

Just as long as you know you got me

反正只要有你愛我 這些不便都能迎刃而解


These friends keep talkin' way too much

這些自以為懂我的朋友 老是顧忌太多

Say I should give you up

苦勸我該放手 別再苦苦糾纏

Can't hear them, no, 'cause I…

實在聽不下去了 因為人家我...


I've been here all night

在這兒守株待兔 暗中埋伏你

I've been here all day

不斷摩拳擦掌 等待你的到來

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

而親愛的 我只想被你搞得連站都站不穩

I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)

我在這兒等了老半天 癡癡等著你

I've been here all day (Been here all day, baby)

飢渴難耐地舔弄上唇 瘋狂追尋你的身影

And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

親愛的 我只想被你搞到走路外八 連路都走不了


Uh, yo

嗯 喲

This the new style with the fresh type of flow

時下最拉風的潮流 非換換愛莫屬

Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle

手到處都黏踢踢 陪我練練骨盆肌

Come through yo, get you this type of blow

你可以再靠近一點點 讓我來貼心桌下服務

If you want a ménage, I got a tricycle

要是想來場三人聚會 姊倒是備了輛協力車


All these bitches' flows is my mini-me

這群只會亂噴口水的小咖 只配當老娘的咖小

Body smoking, so they call me Young Nicki Chimney

身材辣到冒煙 麻辣雞的稱號可不是浪得虛名

Rappers in they feelings 'cause they feelin' me (Murder)

這些小嫩嫩老是吃醋 眼紅姊姊我事業有成

Uh, I-I give zero fucks and I got zero chill in me

嗯~ 像這種雞毛蒜皮的小事 老娘我才不care

Kissing me, copped the blue box that say Tiffany

吻幾下打幾槍 幾克拉鑽戒隨後宅配送到府上

Curry with the shot, just tell 'em to call me Stephanie

老娘出手便知有沒有 就連霹靂火柯瑞也自嘆弗如

Gun pop, then I make my gum pop

一槍斃命 我要看到血流成河

I'm the queen of rap, young Ariana run pop, uh

姊貴為饒舌殿堂級女皇 妹妹安娜她可是流行界扛霸子 嗯


These friends keep talkin' way too much

這些自以為懂我的姊妹 不知在擔心什麼勁

Say I should give you up

苦勸我該放手 別再以逼相逼

Can't hear them, no, 'cause I…

我實在聽不下去 因為人家我...


I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)

我可是徹夜不睡 精神抖擻等待你到來

I've been here all day (Been here all night, baby)

嚴陣以待 以完美之姿讓你迎接高潮

And boy (Boy), got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

親愛的 趕緊讓我挺入最深處 讓我體會站不穩的感覺

I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)

人家可是等了一整個晚上耶 還不犒賞我嗎

I've been here all day (Been here all day, baby) (Ooh, baby)

而且從白天開始 就一直在這裡等你囉

And boy (No), got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)

都聽見了 還不快點給我點甜頭嚐 幹到我雙腿開開

(Yeah-eh, yeah, yeah, yeah)


Uh, yo

嗯 喲

This the new style with the fresh type of flow (Nah, nah, baby)

時下最拉風的潮流 非打炮炮莫屬

Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle

手到處都黏踢踢 陪我練練骨盆肌

Come through yo, get you this type of blow

你可以再靠近一點點 讓我來貼心桌下服務

If you want a ménage, I got a tricycle (No, eh, hey, eh, eh)

要是想來場三人聚會 我倒是租了輛協力車

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