專輯:25 二十五歲
I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be
那時的我 還以為一切能順利照計畫發展 殊不知其實不然
So desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe
等不及要到這世上闖蕩 為自己爭取一席之地 用力活下去
Right before my eyes I saw my heart, it came to life
闔上眼前 我不經意瞥見真心一顆 自混沌中誕生
This ain't easy, it's not meant to be
這感情談何容易 雖稱不上天生一對
Every story has its scars
但少了瑕疵的感情 就稱不上完美了
But when the pain cuts you deep
每當言語如刃 割得你皮開肉綻
When the night keeps you from sleeping
還是萬籟俱寂的夜晚 吵得你輾轉不成眠
Just look and you will see that I will be your remedy
放寬心 你就會看到 那標記我姓名的愛情解藥
When the world seems so cruel
倘若這世界 殘酷得讓你不忍直視
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
甚或使你純真的心 沾染世故的風塵味
I promise you will see that I will be
別遮掩 我向你保證 我會為了你
I will be your remedy
化作專屬解藥 破除迷霧
No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to you
無論水域再深 海洋再遼闊 都無法阻止我游向你懷裡
Come whatever, I'll be the shelter that won't let the rain come through
別害怕 朝我走來 這雙臂彎會是任何風雨都無法觸及的避風港
Your love, it is my truth and I will always love you
你的愛 是亂世中唯一真理 為此我將視你為圭臬 永遠愛戴信守
Love you, oh
我會永遠愛你 噢
When the pain cuts you deep
現實太過鋒利 將你開腸剖肚
When the night keeps you from sleeping
漫漫長夜如爬蟲嚙咬 使你翻來覆去 睡不著覺
Just look and you will see that I will be your remedy
環顧四周 你會看見架上那罐我特地調製的解藥
When the world seems so cruel
倘若這世界太複雜 讓你不知如何是好
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
直來直往的你 被心機玩弄於股掌 當成傻瓜對待
I promise you will see that I will be
別擔心 到我身邊來 為了你
I will be your remedy
我將犧牲自己 釀造一瓶專屬解藥
Ohhh, ohhh
噢 噢
When the pain cuts you deep
現實如利刃 傷得你頭破血流
When the night keeps you from sleeping
喧囂的黑夜 使你輾轉不得眠
Just look and you will see that I will be, I will be
閉上眼 感受周遭事物 再睜開來 直視我眼中堅毅
When the world seems so cruel
倘若這世界太過勢利眼 若不多加提防 會遭擊倒
And your heart makes you feel like a fool
你和你單純的心 經常無所適從 還被耍得團團轉
I promise you will see that I will be, I will be
我保證 打開窗 你會聞到愛情的芬芳
I will be your remedy, mmm, mm-hmm
因為我 會是為你化解難關的解藥