
專輯:25 二十五歲


Adele - Hello

Adele - Hello (Live at the NRJ Awards)

The Voice 2016 Battle - Christian Cuevas vs. Jason Warrior- 'Hello'


Hello, it's me

好久不見 是我

I was wondering

有件事 不知如何開口

If after all these years you'd like to meet

大概是好奇過了這麼久 你還想不想聚一聚

To go over everything

陪我聊聊往事曾經 回溯片段記憶

They say that time's supposed to heal ya

人說時間是最佳良藥 傷總有痊癒一天

But I ain't done much healing

這些年痛沒怎麼減少 反倒瘡疤多了點


Hello, can you hear me?

還在嗎 你還聽得見我說話嗎?

I'm in California dreaming

我人在加州海灘 了無新意地聽著老歌

About who we used to be

一面沈思 一面沈湎於年少時憧憬美夢

When we were younger and free

當時青春還眷顧著我們 生活自在愜意

I've forgotten how it felt

時隔已久 都快忘了煙遠往事在眼前

Before the world fell at our feet

如同世界一般 鬆垮崩塌是何其辛酸


There's such a difference between us

我們之間的距離 始終橫跨汪洋大海

And a million miles

被超載的現實 拋到了千哩之外


Hello from the other side

遠從世界另一頭 捎來問候

I must've called a thousand times

這通電話 不曉得我撥了上千遍

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

只為向你親口說聲抱歉 坦承當初是我的不對

But when I call

可電話響了又響 仍無人接聽

You never seem to be home

看來不在家 是你沈默的答覆


Hello from the outside


At least, I can say that I've tried

儘管事隔已久 但我是真的盡力了

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

去告訴你 抱著了斷名義去傷害你的我 有多麼自責

But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

但原因為何 顯然已不再重要 我早已失去動搖你的那份資格


Hello, how are you?

哎呀 你近來可好?

It's so typical of me to talk about myself

我也真是的 顧著聊自己 壓根兒忘了問你近況

I'm sorry

不便之處 還請你見諒


I hope that you're well

希望你知道 我是真心祝福你一切安好

Did you ever make it out of that town

倒是後來 你是否也離鄉背井 出外打拚

Where nothing ever happened?

告別淳樸可愛的家鄉 試著闖出一片天?


It's no secret that the both of us

都長到我們這個歲數 成天被時間追著跑

Are running out of time



So hello from the other side

於是我拋下尊嚴 擧起話筒向你懺悔

I must've called a thousand times

我用光身上的硬幣 只為了聯繫上你

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

撥這通電話的用意 是為了向你表達歉意 彌補過錯

But when I call, you never seem to be home

每當我鼓起勇氣 按下按鍵 你卻似乎從來不在家中


Hello from the outside (Outside)

從廣闊汪洋的另一邊 寄出告解期盼

At least, I can say that I've tried (I've tried)

儘管能做的並不多 但最起碼也要讓彼此釋懷

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

去親口告訴你 都怪我不對 才捨得去傷你的心

But it don't matter, it clearly

但無論道歉再誠懇 還是盼不到回音

Doesn't tear you apart anymore

這聲遲來的道歉 無法再像從前去動搖你


Ooh, anymore

噢 怎麼也不能夠

Ooh, anymore

噢 再也不能夠

Ooh, anymore

噢 早就不能夠




Hello from the other side

將滿心的歉疚遺憾 連同問候 投入大海

I must've called a thousand times

一通通未接來電 是因為我撥了至少上千遍

To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done

只為親口對你說聲抱歉 並向你坦承 當初都得怪我不好

But when I call

可電話響了多少遍 總會進入語音信箱

You never seem to be home

看來避而不談 就是你無聲的答覆


Hello from the outside

從遙遠的彼端 捎來問候

At least, I can say that I've tried

起碼我還有資格能說 我是真的盡力了

To tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart

為彌補缺憾 我鼓起多少勇氣 才說得出對不起

But it don't matter, it clearly

但無論我過得好不好 顯然已不再重要

Doesn't tear you apart anymore

只因另一頭 再也聽不見你字裡行間的動搖

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