專輯:25 二十五歲
Take your eyes off of me so I can leave
別再這麼看著我 忘了我們的感情 好讓我離你而去
I'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me
要是你露出泫然欲泣的表情 容易心軟的我 肯定又要於心不忍
This is never ending, we have been here before
一次又一次地藕斷絲連 終究會嚐到這無可避免的後果
But I can't stay this time 'cause I don't love you anymore
可我說什麼也不能一錯再錯 正因為愛過 才更要懂得適時放手
Please stay where you are, don't come any closer
拜託留在那裏就好 算我求求你 別再靠近任何一步
Don't try to change my mind, I'm being cruel to be kind
休想動搖我的決定 再對你仁慈下去 就是對我自己殘忍
I can't love you in the dark
It feels like we're oceans apart
一直以來 我們都被隔絕在最遙遠的距離
There is so much space between us
Baby, we're already defeated
親愛的 面對這段關係 我們早已敗下陣來
Everything changed me
面臨接二連三的挫敗 迫使我不得不改變
You have given me something that I can't live without
你送給我的回憶 一一潛藏於心底 根深柢固 讓我怎麼也丟不掉
You mustn't underestimate that when you are in doubt
若你心生猶疑 當初怎會不經思考 將感情當兒戲胡鬧 輕言討好
But I don't want to carry on like everything is fine
可我不願意違背良心 名正言順地經營這段感情 還能理得心安
The longer we ignore it all, the more that we will fight
愈是忽視眼前的麻煩 愈是無可避免 終將紛至杳來的爭吵磨難
Please don't fall apart
算我拜託你 別當著我的面哭泣
I can't face your breaking heart
I'm trying to be brave
若永遠與恐懼為伍 就無法學會勇敢
Stop asking me to stay
別再苦苦哀勸 這段關係已無可挽回
I can't love you in the dark
我無法再將我的愛 掩藏於黑暗中
It feels like we're oceans apart
將你我隔絕的 是極其險惡的海域
There is so much space between us
兩人的距離 永遠是那麼遙不可及
Baby, we're already defeated
親愛的 我們都是愛情的手下敗將
Everything changed me
繼續將錯就錯下去 無非是在逞強
We're not the only ones
I don't regret a thing
Every word I've said
You know I'll always mean
It is the world to me
無論如何 我的世界永遠少不了你
That you are in my life
再怎麼樣 你都是我生命的一部分
But I want to live and not just survive
可我想體會生命的意義 而不是苟且偷生
[Instrumental Interlude]
That's why I can't love you in the dark
所以我才不容愛在暗處沈淪 任由你恣意傷害
It feels like we're oceans apart
到頭來 再怎麼濃烈的愛 還是被你擲扔入海
There is so much space between us
心在水中漂泊擺盪多時 漸漸將你我隔絕開
Baby, we're already defeated
親愛的 這張勝券握得太緊 還是會軟爛擊散
'Cause everything changed me
在感情糾葛折磨下 我終究成為更好的自己
And I don't think you can save me
而這次無論你再怎麼挽留 關係都沒了轉圜的餘地