Adele - When We Were Young (Live at The Church Studios)
The Voice 2016 Blind Audition - Billy Gilman - "When We Were Young" Vietsub
Fernando Daniel - "When We Were Young" | Provas Cegas | The Voice Portugal
Everybody loves the things you do
到場群眾歡呼 無不為你鍾情著迷
From the way you talk to the way you move
無論你聲調裡抑揚頓挫 還是你那風采姿態
Everybody here is watching you
你的舉措言行 均能招來關注留意
'Cause you feel like home, you're like a dream come true
只因你傳遞著家的溫暖可愛 也帶來實現未竟之夢的希望
But if by chance you're here alone
若獨自赴約的你 待會兒不急著離開
Can I have a moment before I go?
臨走前 我可否佔用你幾分鐘時間?
'Cause I've been by myself all night long
不幸的是 今晚我已獨坐消磨大半夜晚
Hoping you're someone I used to know
You look like a movie
你像電影明星 星光熠熠
You sound like a song
嗓音宛若天籟 悅耳動聽
My God, this reminds me
敘舊之餘 也致使我想起
Of when we were young
Let me photograph you in this light
請容許我用相機 捕捉你此刻的身影
In case it is the last time that we might
以防下次見面時 年華逝去的你我
Be exactly like we were before we realised
在人潮洶湧處重逢時 卻再也認不得彼此面容
We were sad of getting old, it made us restless
歲數漸長的課題 每走幾步 都教人畏怯不踏實
It was just like a movie
請謹記 電影總會來到尾聲
It was just like a song
佳音天籟 終有曲終人散時
I was so scared to face my fears
就連正視你和恐懼 都使我裹足卻步
Nobody told me that you'd be here
我猝不及防 在這偶遇你 實屬意料外
And I swear you'd moved overseas
你那天的隻言片語 依舊迴盪於耳畔
That's what you said when you left me
You still look like a movie
就算你被人潮淹沒 仍然耀眼醒目
You still sound like a song
笑聲爽朗 依舊如銀鈴般清脆悅耳
My God, this reminds me
往事一幕接一幕上演 再三提點我
Of when we were young
當時年少不羈的你我 愛得有多濃
Let me photograph you in this light
請容許我用相機 捕捉你此刻的身影
In case it is the last time that we might
以防下次見面時 年華逝去的你我
Be exactly like we were before we realised
在人潮洶湧處重逢時 卻再也認不得彼此面容
We were sad of getting old, it made us restless
歲數漸長的課題 走了幾步 都教人畏怯不踏實
It was just like a movie
請謹記 電影總會來到尾聲
It was just like a song
佳音天籟 終有曲終人散時
It's hard to admit that everything just takes me back
儘管不願承認 但一動一靜均牽引我回到那些當下
To when you were there, to when you were there
無論是從前的小毛頭 抑或者眼前經世故洗煉的你
And a part of me keeps holding on just in case it hasn't gone
到現在 我仍不時從抽屜拿出你的相片 想著你近來可好
'Cause I still care, do you still care?
只因我仍為你牽腸掛肚 那麼你是否還在乎我?
It was just like a movie
光陰荏苒 宛若縮時攝影
It was just like a song
歲月如歌 應讓世人稱頌
My God, this reminds me
現實之慘痛 一再提醒著我
Of when we were young
人生苦短 不該無忌憚揮霍
Let me photograph you in this light
請容許我用相機 捕捉你此刻的身影
In case it is the last time that we might
以防下次見面時 年華逝去的你我
Be exactly like we were before we realised
在人潮洶湧處重逢時 卻再也認不得彼此面容
We were sad of getting old, it made us restless
歲數漸長的課題 走了幾步 都教人畏怯不踏實
Oh, I'm so mad I'm getting old, it makes me reckless
噢 就連從鏡中瞥見紋路斑痕 都能令我惴惴不安
It was just like a movie
請謹記 電影總會來到尾聲
It was just like a song
佳音天籟 終有曲終人散時
When we were young
珍惜彼此 當我們仍年輕時