專輯:Lover 情人
Taylor Swift - I Think He Knows (Official Audio)
I think he knows
一對上眼 他便讀懂我的心
His footprints on the sidewalk
於是留下足跡腳印 示意要我同行
Lead to where I can't stop
讓我欣喜若狂 按捺不住內心衝動
Go there every night
等不及隱藏行蹤 待夜深與他聚首
I think he knows
我想心思縝密的他 多半也看出端倪來
His hands around a cold glass
才刻意以修長纖瘦指尖 撫觸冷酒杯緣
Make me wanna know that
對我秋波暗送 若有似無地透露出答案
Body like it's mine
彷彿那壯碩挺立的體格 只為我存在
He got that boyish look that I like in a man
他臉孔深邃俊美 又隱約帶有男孩般的稚氣 讓我迷戀不已
I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans
我要是建築師 肯定拿起工程筆 獨佔地盤 絕不讓他人侵犯
It's like I'm 17, nobody understands
就好像是剛滿十七的高中生 情竇初開 等不及與人相戀
No one understands
唯美如詩的少女情懷 又有誰明白
He got my heartbeat
Skipping down 16th Avenue
逕直領向田納西十六街 那孕育音樂的誕生地
Got that, ah, I mean
若真要形容 啊 我又何必解釋言明
Wanna see what's under that attitude like
可真好奇那張冷峻臉孔下 藏有怎麼樣的鐵漢柔情
I want you, bless my soul
我對你一見鍾情 不妨為我倆獻予祝福
And I ain't gotta tell him, I think he knows
至於對他的心意 別擔心 相信他隱約察覺到了
I think he knows
專屬於我們倆的秘密 不必人懂
I think he knows
我想不必多說 他便理解隱晦心思
When we get all alone
待友人悉數離去 兩人共處一室時
I'll make myself at home
我一定把這兒當自己家 氣定神閒
And he'll want me to stay
見機不可失 他便央求我留下過夜
I think he knows
擅於察言觀色的他 想必也是識相的人
He'd better lock it down
最好趁其他人搭訕進攻前 趕緊給我名分
Or I won't stick around
要不然哪 我怎能在他身上浪費時間 逗留不前
'Cause good ones never wait (Ha)
誰叫乖巧溫順的鄰家女孩 可是等不得人 (哈)
He got that boyish look that I like in a man
他臉龐成熟沉穩 卻見不著歲月淬礪的痕跡 使我心醉神迷
I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans
假如我是建築師 別出心裁的理念 設計包準教人大吃一驚
He's so obsessed with me and, boy, I understand
他像是著了魔似的 瘋狂獻殷勤 但不瞞你說 其實我不介意
Boy, I understand
因為呀 人家我也想討你歡心
He got my heartbeat (Heartbeat)
把我迷得神魂顛倒的他 早已擄獲我芳心
Skipping down 16th Avenue
不免飄盪翻飛 回到芳齡十六的田納西小鎮
Got that, ah, I mean (I mean)
而且他呀 唉 還用得著我說嗎
Wanna see what's under that attitude like
真想知道那嚴謹肅穆的風度下 是否也藏了顆溫柔細膩的心
I want you, bless my soul
我對你癡情不已 連老天也了然於心
And I ain't gotta tell him, I think he knows
至於這點 我可不要親口告訴他 他肯定心中有數
I think he knows
Lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh
小倆口會心一笑 靛藍眼眸凝望 手靜靜躺在我腿上
We could follow the sparks, I'll drive
火花四濺 為我們指引去向 未知總有你陪我闖蕩
Lyrical smile, indigo eyes
綻放抒懷暖心笑容 澄清如水般的眼眸 款款深情
Hand on my thigh
一隻粗糙厚實的手 置放我兩股間 不安分地游移
We could follow the sparks, I'll drive
不如我們就依循星火規劃的路線前行 走吧我載你
"So where we gonna go?"
『那麼接下來 我們要到哪兒去?』
I whisper in the dark
燈光孱弱的轎車內 我對他輕聲細語
"Where we gonna go?"
I think he knows
他目光如炬凝望著我 並如是說
He got my heartbeat (Heartbeat)
Skipping down 16th Avenue (Baby)
Got that, ah, I mean (I mean)
光是盯著他 唉呀 怎麼就讓我羞得臉紅紅
Wanna see what's under that attitude like (Yeah)
真想知道嚴肅的他 是不是也有驕縱又傻氣的另一面
I want you, bless my soul
我這輩子非你的手不牽 哎喲喂
And I ain't gotta tell him, I think he knows
但我可不會主動靠近 要是想牽 不如勾勾我的小指尖
I think he knows
喜歡的心情 總不能老是往心裡憋
Oh, baby
噢 我的心上人
He got my heartbeat
一見傾心的他 是俊俏挺拔的男人
Skipping down 16th Avenue, baby
讓我像個少女如初戀般青澀單純 飛越田納西農村 寶貝
I want you, bless my soul
我這輩子心儀的人就是你 哎唷唷
And I ain't gotta tell him, I think he knows
不必言傳明說 我想這世上只有他 特別懂我