專輯:4 第四擊
Beyoncé - Best Thing I Never Had (Video)
Beth Spangler - Best Thing I Never Had (Blind Audition The Voice Season 7)
What goes around comes back around
你犯了多少錯 自己心裡有數 報應總有一天會降臨的
There was a time I thought
過去的我 曾經天真地以為
That you did everything right
No lies, no wrong
不僅誠實以對 也從不錯待他人
Boy, I must've been out of my mind
老天 我哪裡知道 被愛沖昏頭的自己 該是如此盲目
So when I think of the time that I almost loved you
有好長一段時間 我差那麼一丁點 就要墜入愛河 向下沉淪
You showed your ass and I, I saw the real you
不巧的是 技法拙劣的你露出馬腳 我這才拆穿你的真面目
Thank God you blew it
謝天謝地 是你搞砸了一切
I thank God I dodged the bullet
也讓我逃過一劫 能安然渡過餘生
I'm so over you, so baby, good looking out
我早就把你忘得一乾二淨 寶貝 記得慢走不送
I wanted you bad, I'm so through with that
我對你曾是如此渴望 還真慶幸斷絕了這念想
'Cause honestly, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
因為事過境遷後 這從未擁有過的幸福 反而成了我最大的救贖
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
原來沒了你 我才能活得更加自我 找到真正屬於我的幸福
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
一切撥雲見日 豁然開朗的我 永永遠遠都會是你未曾擁有過的幸福
I bet it sucks to be you right now
現在自討沒趣的你 感覺肯定很不是滋味吧
So sad, you're hurt
聽說你受傷了 還難受想哭
Boo hoo, oh, did you expect me to care?
唉呦呦 是要我幫你秀秀?噢 你哪來的膽子 居然好意思這麼想?
You don't deserve my tears
你這傢伙 一點也不值得我為你掉淚
I guess that's why they ain't there
難怪我眼皮現在又乾又皺 只差沒點眼藥水 只為擠出一滴淚
To I think that there was a time that I almost loved you
現在想想 我居然被你耍得團團轉 差點就被你給騙了
You showed your ass, and baby, yes, I saw the real you
你正好露出破綻 犯下低級失誤 而親愛的 我這才總算看清你的醜惡嘴臉
Thank God you blew it
I thank God I dodged the bullet
讓我逃過一劫 還真是鬆了口氣
I'm so over you, baby, good looking out
我早已把你忘到九霄雲外 寶貝 出去時記得把門帶上
I wanted you bad, I'm so through with that
我對你曾是如此渴望 還真慶幸斷絕了這念想
'Cause honestly, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
因為事過境遷後 這從未擁有過的幸福 反而成了我最大的救贖
You turned out to be the best thing I never had
原來沒了你 我才能活得更加自我 找到真正屬於我的幸福
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
一切撥雲見日 豁然開朗的我 永永遠遠都會是你未曾擁有過的幸福
I bet it sucks to be you right now
現在自討沒趣的你 感覺肯定很不是滋味吧
I know you want me back
你的確頗有誠意 下跪磕頭求我原諒
It's time to face the facts
但 也該是面對現實的時候了吧?
That I'm the one that's got away
離開的人是我 去留自然也由我定奪
Lord knows that it would take another place, another time
蒼天有眼 不僅見證你的惡行惡狀 也知道你遲早會再犯 不過時間早晚
Another world, another life
哪怕是今世來生 還是天涯海角 只要有一就會有二三 第四輯
Thank God, I found the good in goodbye
感謝主庇護保佑 使我頓悟 原來離開對我才是最好的選擇
I wanted you bad, I'm so through with that
我對你曾是如此渴望 還真慶幸斷絕了這念想
'Cause honestly, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
因為事過境遷後 這從未擁有過的幸福 反而成了我最大的救贖
Oh, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
原來沒了你 我才能活得更加自我 找到真正屬於我的幸福
And I'm gon' always be the best thing you never had
一切撥雲見日 豁然開朗的我 永永遠遠都會是你未曾擁有過的幸福
Ooh, best thing you never had
噢 未曾擁有過的幸福
I used to want you so bad, I'm so through with that
我居然還會對你抱有不切實際的期望 幸好我早已不再那麼想
'Cause honestly, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
因為現在看來 你那生生世世的承諾 不過就是我未曾擁有的幸福
Oh, you turned out to be the best thing I never had
噢 還真是萬萬沒想到 貪圖一時歡愉的你 竟會成為一切轉機
Ooh, I will never be the best thing you never had
噢 而總算遇見摯愛的我永永遠遠 都會是你未曾擁有的幸福
Oh baby, I bet it sucks to be you right now
噢 寶貝 痛失了今生摯愛的你 就算後悔莫及 也早就來不及了
What goes around comes back around
你犯了多少錯 自己心裡有數 後果只能自負
(I bet it sucks to be you right now)
(看見我走上紅毯的你 想必悔不當初吧?)