專輯:Norman Fucking Rockwell 諾曼去他的洛克威爾
Summertime, and the livin's easy
夏日時光 生活如此自在愜意
Bradley's on the microphone with Ras MG
布萊德利手持麥克風 和鼓手嗨翻場地
All the people in the dance will agree
相信舞池內搖擺的人們 也會同意
That we're well-qualified to represent the L.B.C.
我們絕對有充分的資格 擔當長灘島的代言人
Me, me and Louie, we gonna run to the party
我 我和狗兒路易 我們將徑直闖進派對裡
And dance to the rhythm, it gets harder
並舞動炒熱場子 氣氛變得愈發凝重
Me and my girl, we got this relationship
我和寶貝女孩 一同開展了地下戀情
I love her so bad, but she treats me like shit
我愛她愛得死去活來 她卻待我如若敝屣
On lockdown, like a penitentiary
關入禁閉 好似不見天日的監獄
She spreads her lovin' all over
And when she gets home, there's none left for me
待服刑時光一結束 我一奔回家 愛已所剩無幾
Summertime, and the livin's easy
夏日時光 生活如此自在愜意
Bradley's on the microphone with Ras MG
布萊德利手持麥克風 和鼓手嗨翻場地
All the people in the dance will agree
相信舞池內搖擺的人們 也會同意
That we're well-qualified to represent the L.B.C.
我們絕對有充分的資格 擔當長灘島的代言人
Me, me and Louie, we gonna run to the party
我 我和狗兒路易 我們將徑直闖進派對裡
And dance to the rhythm, it gets harder
並舞動炒熱場子 氣氛變得愈發凝重
Oh, take this veil from off my eyes
噢 快把這塊面紗從我眼前拿開
My burning sun will, some day, rise
我焦灼的豔陽 終有一天 會重現光輝
So, what am I gonna be doin' for a while?
既然這樣 那我這段時光該怎麼消磨才對?
Said, I'm gonna play with myself
這麼說吧 我要盡情和自己玩耍
Show them how we come off the shelf
Summertime, and the livin's easy
夏日時光 生活如此自在愜意
Bradley's on the microphone with Ras MG
布萊德利手持麥克風 和鼓手嗨翻場地
All the people in the dance will agree
相信舞池內搖擺的人們 也會同意
That we're well-qualified to represent the L.B.C.
我們絕對有充分的資格 擔當長灘島的代言人
Me, me and Louie, we gonna run to the party
我 我和狗兒路易 我們將徑直闖進派對裡
And dance to the rhythm, it gets harder
並舞動炒熱場子 氣氛變得愈發凝重
Evil, we've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely
邪惡 我們遠道而來 就為了告訴你她本性邪惡 絕對如此
Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely
邪惡 脾氣暴躁 醜聞纏身 又作惡多端 絕對如此
The tension, it's getting hotter
營造戲劇張力 場面愈發熱絡
I'd like to hold her head underwater
Summertime, and the livin's easy
夏日時光 生活如此自在愜意
Bradley's on the microphone with Ras MG
布萊德利手持麥克風 和鼓手嗨翻場地
All the people in the dance will agree
相信舞池內搖擺的人們 也會同意
That we're well-qualified to represent the L.B.C.
我們絕對有充分的資格 擔當長灘島的代言人
Me, me and Louie, we gonna run to the party
我 我和狗兒路易 我們將徑直闖進派對裡
And dance to the rhythm, it gets harder
並舞動炒熱場子 氣氛變得愈發凝重