
專輯:1000 Forms Of Fears 一千種恐懼


Sia - Chandelier (Official Video)

Jordan Smith - Chandelier - Full Blind Audition performance - The Voice.


Party girls don't get hurt

據傳派對常客是冷血動物 不會受傷

Can't feel anything, when will I learn?

四肢軀幹已然麻木 報應何時才要來?

I push it down, push it down

一排接一排的烈酒 大口乾 呼伊催落去

I'm the one "for a good time call"


Phone's blowin' up, ringin' my doorbell

關懷來電接到快手軟 門鈴根本響不完

I feel the love, feel the love

浸淫這墮落快感 讓我感受被需要的愛


One, two, three, one, two, three, drink

一二三 一二三 這杯乾了吧

One, two, three, one, two, three, drink

先喝完 再一輪 這杯也乾了吧

One, two, three, one, two, three, drink

等一下 這杯沒喝完不准走

Throw 'em back till I lose count

酒杯高舉過頭 直到幾根手指頭也數不出


I'm gonna swing from the chandelier

我要脫得一絲不掛 懸掛在水晶吊燈

From the chandelier


I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist

不趁現在好好活著 就等著明天世界毀滅

Like it doesn't exist


I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night

我就像劃破靜謐夜晚的鳥兒 振翅高飛

Feel my tears as they dry


I'm gonna swing from the chandelier

我要抱著水晶吊燈 一路往玻璃窗飛去

From the chandelier

撞破彩繪玻璃 把自己弄得頭破血流


But I'm holding on for dear life

我在做的 是把握僅存現有的人生

Won't look down, won't open my eyes

沉淪沒有節制終點 所見毫無真相可言

Keep my glass full until morning light

一次又一次斟滿空杯 直到白晝時分

'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

因為我能做的 只是死撐硬扛著每一天

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

拜託救我 我只是得過且過 無法掌握任何事

Won't look down, won't open my eyes

美其言活在當下 其實是沒臉看真相

Keep my glass full until morning light

受鬱悶厭倦所苦 只好藉酒填補缺口

'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

我只是姑且在這世上苟延殘喘 焚膏繼晷

On for tonight



Sun is up, I'm a mess

天已亮 我還不想起床

Gotta get out now, gotta run from this

怎麼不幹點正經事 別再跟玩咖成堆作伴

Here comes the shame, here comes the shame

罪惡感侵襲腦部 伴隨頭痛帶來惱人的眩暈


One, two, three, one, two, three, drink

一二三 沒差啦 喝下去就對啦

One, two, three, one, two, three, drink

反正爛命一條 沒人在乎你是死是活

One, two, three, one, two, three, drink

乾了吧 反正明早世界還是一樣爛

Throw 'em back till I lose count

茫到雙腿開開 記不得自己是誰住哪邊


I'm gonna swing from the chandelier

我要脫得一絲不掛 懸掛在水晶吊燈

From the chandelier


I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist

不趁現在好好活著 就等著明天世界毀滅

Like it doesn't exist


I'm gonna fly like a bird through the night

我就像劃破靜謐夜晚的鳥兒 振翅高飛

Feel my tears as they dry


I'm gonna swing from the chandelier

我要抱著水晶吊燈 一路往玻璃窗飛去

From the chandelier

撞破彩繪玻璃 把自己弄得頭破血流


But I'm holding on for dear life

我在做的 是把握僅存現有的人生

Won't look down, won't open my eyes

沉淪沒有節制終點 所見毫無真相可言

Keep my glass full until morning light

一次又一次斟滿空杯 直到白晝時分

'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

因為我能做的 只是死撐硬扛著每一天

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

拜託救我 我只是得過且過 無法掌握任何事

Won't look down, won't open my eyes

美其言活在當下 其實是沒臉看真相

Keep my glass full until morning light

受鬱悶厭倦所苦 只好藉酒填補缺口

'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

我只是姑且在這世上苟延殘喘 日以既日

On for tonight



On for tonight


'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

我這條爛命 還想活到明天日出

Oh, I'm just holding on for tonight

噢 讓酒精麻痺我的感官意識

On for tonight, on for tonight

睡得不省人事 直至午夜時分

'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

我只想夜夜狂歡 把自己灌得爛醉

'Cause I'm just holding on for tonight

沒辦法 反正我這人早就沒有救了

Oh, I'm just holding on for tonight

噢 我只想浪費大把時間在喝酒上

On for tonight, on for tonight


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