
專輯:1000 Forms Of Fears 一千種恐懼


Sia - Elastic Heart feat. Shia LaBeouf & Maddie Ziegler (Official Video)


And another one bites the dust


Oh, why can I not conquer love?

噢 為何我就是無法統領駕馭愛情?

And I might have thought that we were one

還以為你我心照不宣 自動站到同一陣營

Wanted to fight this war without weapons

不必動干戈 拳腳相向 亦能結束這無謂戰役

And I wanted it, I wanted it bad

眼看曙光將近 自由大門卻被無情關起

But there were so many red flags

都怪你刺探有錯在先 使紅燈一再亮起

Now another one bites the dust

一來一往的拉鋸戰告終 談判宣告破局 

Yeah, let's be clear, I'll trust no one

狠話我先說在前頭 沙場上非友即敵


You did not break me

這不意味著投降 也不代表我苦無對策 瀕於絕跡

I'm still fighting for peace

至今我仍鍥而不捨 尋求平和共存的契機


Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

我有一顆無所畏懼的勇者之心 和厚重鎧甲抵禦

But your blade, it might be too sharp

儘管你拔劍相向 朝我揮砍 刀光鋒芒銳不可擋

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

但我身段可是有橡膠般柔軟 不到疲乏心不死

Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

的確 這項優勢也是雙面刃 我可能就此敗下陣來

But you won't see me fall apart

要是你以為能看見我棄武投械的話 可要失望了

'Cause I've got an elastic heart

因為我那勇者之心 賦予我無堅不摧的意志


I've got an elastic heart

我那勇者之心 無堅不摧

Yeah, I've got an elastic heart

耶 在你面前不展露懦弱心軟


And I will stay up through the night

我將鎮守關隘 枕戈待旦不懈怠

Yeah, let's be clear, won't close my eyes

先講清楚了 我會隨時嚴陣以待

And I know that I can survive

儘管大敵當前 我也不認為會敗下陣來

I'll walk through fire to save my life

哪怕要赤腳過火 為保性命腿斷不足惜

And I want it, I want my life so bad

為求取一線生機 必須得先有權宜之計

I'm doin' everythin' I can


And another one bites the dust

刀光劍影 又有誰將敗北倒戈

It's hard to lose a chosen one

受主庇祐寵召下 我將會是存活的那個


You did not break me

你傷得了我的肉身 傷不了靈魂

I'm still fighting for peace

我仍願為愛奮戰到底 肩負復土使命


Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

我有一顆無所畏懼的勇者之心 和厚重鎧甲抵禦

But your blade, it might be too sharp

儘管你拔劍相向 朝我揮砍 刀光鋒芒銳不可擋

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

但我身段可是有橡膠般柔軟 不到疲乏心不死

Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

的確 這項優勢也是雙面刃 我可能就此敗下陣來

But you won't see me fall apart

要是你以為能看見我棄武投械的話 可要失望了

'Cause I've got an elastic heart

因為我那勇者之心 賦予我無堅不摧的意志


Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh


Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh



Well, I've got thick skin and an elastic heart

我有一顆無所畏懼的勇者之心 和厚重鎧甲抵禦

But your blade, it might be too sharp

儘管你拔劍相向 朝我揮砍 刀光鋒芒銳不可擋

I'm like a rubber band until you pull too hard

但我身段可是有橡膠般柔軟 不到疲乏心不死

Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

的確 這項優勢也是雙面刃 我可能就此敗下陣來

But you won't see me fall apart

要是你以為能看見我棄武投械的話 可要失望了

'Cause I've got an elastic heart

因為我那勇者之心 賦予我無堅不摧的意志


I've got an elastic heart

我有著一顆勇者之心 無堅不催

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