
專輯:This Is Acting 超有戲


Sia - Broken Glass (Audio)


Lay down your arms

放下戒心與手臂 別再掙扎

I don't wanna fight anymore

我不願再以爭執告結 不歡而散

Rough seas will be calm

波濤洶湧的浪面 終將回復平穩

Hold on while we weather the storm

等待風暴過境的期間 請你耐心守候


We fall down like dogs playing dead

言不由衷的你我 造就了感情支離破碎

But our love's not worth playing chicken with

但面對愛情 我們都該坦誠相對 別再開脫逃避


I'm not discarding you like broken glass

你不像是小玩具 壞了就能隨便扔棄

There are no winners when the die is cast

若分開是必然 計較誰對誰錯也沒用

There's only tears when it's the final dance

噙著淚水跳最後一支舞 容易顯得格外傷感

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

要是你說不愛了就走 這理由會不會稍嫌薄弱

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

別急著放開我的手 愛情終究是兩個人的遊戲


This too shall pass

若遲早要別離 不如趁現在分一分

We're right where we're meant to be

你我站在岔路口 心想該說什麼好

There's things I don't ask

就算對你有所求 我也不打算開口

What I don't know can't hurt me

說不定要到手後 不過是徒增傷痛


We fall down like dogs playing dead

你我重複沉默 像極了無辜受害的小羊羔

But our love's not worth playing chicken with

但愛情不是燙手山芋 能讓你這樣拋來扔去


I'm not discarding you like broken glass

你不像是小玩具 壞了就能隨便扔棄

There are no winners when the die is cast

若分開是必然 計較誰對誰錯也沒用

There's only tears when it's the final dance

噙著淚水跳最後一支舞 容易顯得格外傷感

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

要是你說不愛了就走 這理由會不會稍嫌薄弱

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

先別急著放開我的手 愛情需要兩個人來經營

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

若一個人就能維持住 那也就不叫做羅曼史了

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

不妨再給彼此一次機會 這次就由讓愛來做主

I'm not discarding you like broken glass


There are no winners when the die is cast

就算你我已走到窮途 陌路相逢也無須迴避

There's only tears when it's the final dance

哪怕到頭來只是空 淚水洗煉傷痕也就不痛

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

別走 讓我悉心呵護你的痛 讓愛再一次昇華

I'm not discarding you like broken glass

再給我一次機會 把你的碎片拼湊完整

There are no winners when the die is cast

就算結局會是分離 我也不會輕言放棄

There's only tears when it's the final dance

別離到來那天 說不定你我還是捨不得

So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

倒不如分手前 再給彼此最後一次機會

Don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

先看看怎麼樣 畢竟我們之間有太多未知數

Don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance

撥亂反正之下 得到的答案會是愛情的整數



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