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專輯:No Secrets 


Carly Simon - You're So Vain

The Voice 2017 Blind Audition Karli Webster 'You're So Vain'


Son of a gun



You walked into the party

你大搖大擺踏進派對會場 跩了個二五八萬

Like you were walking onto a yacht

貌似受邀搭乘頂級渡輪 就能耍特權

Your hat strategically dipped below one eye

戴頂要價不斐的帽子 似遮非遮地掩著半隻眼

Your scarf it was apricot

頸項掛了條杏色圍巾 彷彿達官顯要裝威嚴

You had one eye in the mirror

甚至逕自跳起嘉禾舞曲 不時望向鏡面

As you watched yourself gavotte

假裝要看不看的模樣 做作又惹人嫌

And all the girls dreamed that they'd be your partner

妄想著婉約動人的淑女 個個搔首弄姿 等不及要作你的舞伴

They'd be your partner



You're so vain


You probably think this song is about you


You're so vain


I'll bet you think this song is about you

像你這愛臭美又討人厭的混蛋 又怎能讓我傾心

Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? 

夜夜魂牽夢縈 為你作詞譜曲?


You had me several years ago

你灌迷湯 拐騙像我這樣的少女上賊船

When I was still quite naive

愚昧無知的我 半推半就落入你的圈套

Well, you said that we made such a pretty pair

你說我倆是天造地設的一對 理應當要走到一起

And that you would never leave

還再三向我保證 永永遠遠也不會讓我一個人

But you gave away the things you loved

而滿口真心的你 卻捨得讓畢生摯愛付諸東流

And one of them was me

放我的感情流入海 任憑浪濤拍打蝕盡

I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee

咖啡倒映著外頭的風景 掀起的波瀾已然平靜

Clouds in my coffee, and



You're so vain


You probably think this song is about you

少在那裡自作主張 擅自作這首歌的主人翁

You're so vain


I'll bet you think this song is about you

像你這自命不凡的混蛋 天塌下來我也不會寫歌送你

Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? 

可別有非分之想 想要我寫歌?門都沒有呢


I had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee

沖了一壺咖啡 玻璃映著窗外一朵朵飄過的浮雲

Clouds in my coffee, and

人事全非 印象早已模糊不清


You're so vain


You probably think this song is about you


You're so vain


I'll bet you think this song is about you

像你這自命不凡的混蛋 天塌下來我也不會寫歌送你

Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? 

可別有非分之想 想要我寫歌?門都沒有呢


Well, I hear you went up to Saratoga

那次不經意聽人提起你 說是到薩拉托加博弈去了

And your horse naturally won

下注一頭穩贏不輸的馬 從此過上富饒優渥的生活

Then you flew your Learjet up to Nova Scotia

接著又砸下重金購買噴射機 飛往新蘇格蘭

To see the total eclipse of the sun

只因對全日蝕忽然有了興致 成天望眼欲穿

Well, you're where you should be all the time

你老是不滿意現狀 還講得一副理直氣壯

And when you're not, you're with

只要你一覺得悶 拎了行李就走

Some underworld spy or the wife of a close friend

跟隱藏身份的間諜執行任務 再不然就是偷約密友妻

Wife of a close friend, and

展開一段不倫戀 私奔到渡假勝地


You're so vain


You probably think this song is about you


You're so vain


I'll bet you think this song is about you

像你這自命不凡的混蛋 天塌下來我也不會寫歌送你

Don't you? Don't you? Don't you? 

可別有非分之想 想要我寫歌?門都沒有呢

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