


Calum Scott - Boys In The Street (Official Video)


When I was younger

記得那時 我年紀還小

My daddy told me I would never

我爸爸曾把我拉到一邊 語重心長地說

Never amount to nothing special

『像你這種孩子 永永遠遠也不可能有任何成就』

He'd come at me from every angle

無論我做了些什麼 都能招來批評辱罵

He'd say, 

還會當著別人的面 痛罵我一頓

"You're the last thing I wanted, the last thing I need

說著『生出你這種兒子 叫我該如何面對列祖列宗

How am I going to answer when my friends tell me


My son was kissing boys in the street

親暱地勾著手 做出那些不堪入目的事

My son was kissing boys in the street?"

你自己說說看 我該怎麼向他們解釋?』


He tried to change me

我的父親 他用盡各種手段去改造我

Say I'm embarrassing my country


How could I do this to my family?

或是拿家人做苦肉計 好讓我感到羞愧

Do I wanna grow up being lonely?


He'd say, "We've worked for our money

他更痛斥道 『我跟你媽媽含辛茹苦把你養大

We've put you in school

忙了大半輩子 只為了讓你讀到大學畢業

Is this how you repay us?


Do you think this is cool?

難道你是一時興起 覺得這樣很有趣嗎?

My son, stop kissing boys in the street

兒子呀 聽我一句勸 別再跟那些男生來往

My son, stop kissing boys in the street"

我生出來的小孩 可不能是社會底層的亂源』


Now that I'm older


My daddy's heart's a little warmer

父親他那曾冰冷的心 也逐漸被歲月融化

But he still won't hold me like my brother

但到現在 就算見面他也不會主動上前擁抱我 

And he still won't kiss me like my mother

也不再像孩提時代那樣 抓著我的臉一陣亂親

He'd say, "You're a part of this family

他會說 『雖然你現在還是這個家庭的一份子

I made you myself


But the way that you act isn't good for your health

但是你再這樣下去 對自己和家人坦白說都不好

My son, stop kissing boys in the street

聽爸的準沒錯 別再跟外面奇奇怪怪的人來往

My son, stop kissing boys in the street"

跟男生接吻什麼的 不覺得很噁心嗎?』


My daddy's dying

如今父親年事已高 很可能也活不久了

And he's finally realized I'm not lying

而他總算意識到 一直以來 我喜歡男生都不是理由藉口

We sit in silence, but we're smiling

那天 我和他就靜靜地坐著 一語不發 卻掛著久違的笑容

Because for once, we are not fighting

這大概是有生以來 我們沒有因不必要的小事 鬧得不可開交

He'd say, "There was no way of knowing 'cause all I was taught

他揉著我肩頭 說著『我受的教育 一直都是男生該喜歡女生

Is men only love women, but now I'm not sure

但如今我也不曉得這麼做 究竟是對是錯 

My son, keep kissing boys in the street

兒子呀 假如你真的喜歡男生 那也沒關係

My son, keep kissing boys in the street

跟男生牽手接吻什麼的 我也不會再念你了

And when I'm gone, keep kissing boys in the street"

要是哪天我走了 繼續做你自己就好 我只要你幸福』

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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