專輯:Carolina (From The Motion Picture “Where The Crawdads Sing”)
Carolina (From the Motion Picture Where The Crawdads Sing) (Official Visualizer)
o Carolina creeks running through my veins
從卡羅萊納州來的溪水 不絕地在我鮮血流竄
lost I was born, lonesome I came
甫出生便遭生母遺棄 自懂事以來都是孤身一人
lonesome I'll always stay
Carolina knows why for years I roam
拉拔我長大的卡州 看著我流浪多年
free as these birds, light as whispers
如枝椏間的林鳥 腳步輕盈悄無聲息
Carolina knows
you didn't see me here
我身手敏捷 你應看不見我才是
no, they never did see me here
若孩童看見了 也會裝作看不見
and she's in my dreams
夢中的卡羅萊納 倩影是如此清晰
into the mist, into the clouds
赤腳踏入迷霧深處 遁入雲端
don't leave, I'll make a fist
求你別離我而去 攥緊了拳頭
I make it count
and there are places I will never, ever go
無論他人亟欲趕我走 我保證對你不離不棄
and things that only Carolina will ever know
因為我們約好要保守秘密 絕不會洩漏出去
Carolina stains on the dress she left
她遺落的那襲長裙 因濺灑而染了色
indelible scars, pivotal marks
破損處難以弭平 顯得格外醒目
blue as the life she fled
陰鬱憂藍 好比那天她倉皇逃離時難堪
Carolina pines, won't you cover me?
日漸消瘦的她 有天問 『能否掩護我離城?
hide me like robes, down the back road
以長呢亞麻布遮蓋我的身子 等逃到後巷
muddy these webs we weave
再踩過泥濘水窪 穿過你我悉心織成的網』
and you didn't see me here
如此一來 人們就看不見我了
they never saw me
And she's in my dreams
然而唯有我知曉 她將長存於我夢鄉
into the mist, into the clouds
朝未知謎團走去 只為探個究竟
don't leave, I'll make a fist
我求你別走 願以性命做擔保
I make it count
今生除了你那溫柔鄉 再無歸宿
and there are places I will never, ever go
無論世人用盡千方百計 只為趕我走
and things that only Carolina will ever know
她卻只要我答應保守秘密 並好好活下去
And you didn't see me here
They never did see me here
可他們正朝我們走來 我霎時回頭
No, you didn't see me here
然而卡羅萊納她 並不在那裡
They never saw me
o Carolina knows
噢 世上唯有她明白
why for years they've said
that I was guilty as sin
罵我不知好歹 譴責我不要臉
and sleep in a liar's bed
撒著瞞天大謊 夜裡肯定睡得不安穩
but the sleep comes fast
可我沒有理會 很快便沉沉睡去
and I'll meet no ghosts
只因我為人坦蕩磊落 問心無愧
it's between me, the sand, and the sea
夢鄉的我 手捧著一粒粒白沙 湛藍海水中嬉戲
Carolina knows
"About a year and half ago I wrote a song about an incredible story, the story of a girl who always lived on the outside, looking in. Figuratively and literally. The juxtaposition of her loneliness and independence. Her longing and her stillness. Her curiosity and fear, all tangled up. Her persisting gentleness… and the world’s betrayal of it. I wrote this one alone in the middle of the night and then Aaron Dessner and I meticulously worked on a sound that we felt would be authentic to the moment in time when this story takes place. I made a wish that one day you would hear it. ‘Carolina’ is out now."
" 大抵在一年半前,我寫了個非同凡響的故事。內容是關於一個局外人,只能眼睜睜看著滿屋子的人們,氣氛好不熱絡,內心卻煎熬難受。無論象徵或字面上的涵義,均是如此。歌詞形比著孤寂與獨立;渴慕融入,卻格格不入;對那樣的生活感到好奇,又害怕受傷害,全集結於一身。她堅持以和善待人...卻慘遭世人背叛。這首歌,是我某天夜半獨力完成的。寄給亞倫戴斯納後,我們便嚴謹地搜尋各年份樂種,只為找出最為合適、最為切合故事旨要的樂器,來編排曲目。從那時起,我就暗暗祈禱著:希望哪天人們也能聽到這首歌。Carolina已經在各大平臺上架了,歡迎收聽。" -- 來自泰勒絲2022/6/24於社群網站上的發文。
Carolina,曲名取自電影改編同名原著Where The Crawdads Sing 的卡羅萊納州,以及主角奇雅Kya的遭遇。
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