
專輯:The Lonleiest Time 寂靜時分


Carly Rae Jepsen - Talking To Yourself (Official Visual)


I was always invisible

你給我的定位 不過是可有可無的朋友

Consequences are difficult to face

不願去承擔這一個個 不堪設想的後果

We coulda been somethin' beautiful, mm

說不定本來我們還有機會 成為人人稱羨的情侶呢

But you made it impossible to stay

而你卻絲毫不顧慮我的感受 逼得我不得不逃走


So tell me what you got on your mind

不如大方點 告訴我 你心裏面究竟在想些什麼?

Am I keepin' you up at night?

要是晚上睡不著覺的時候 會不會偷偷想起我?

Keepin' you up at night


I'll never let you be, no



Are you thinkin' of me when you're with somebody else?

你牽著她手 卻無話可說的時候 是不是也念念不忘著我?

Do you talk to me when you're talkin' to yourself?

空虛寂寞的時候 是不是也會對著空氣說話 假裝那是我?

Are you reachin' for me, makin' love to someone else?

和別人承歡縱樂的時候 手指頭是不是也正緩緩伸向我?

Do you talk to me when you're talkin' to yourself?

當你找不到人陪 陪自己聊天的時候 是不是也會想起我?

When you're talkin' to your—


Talk to me


When you're talkin' to yourself

要是你就這麼消沉下去 也是你自找的


You were never just miserable

像你這種人 絕不是可悲就足以形容的

Without takin' me with you all the way

居然揚長而去 連一點情面也不留給我

Don't it hit you subliminal

如實反映你潛意識的夢 該不是也像紮實的拳頭?

Now that I'm not the only one who's takin' the blame?

既然你枕邊的女孩 已不再是我 那又有誰能替你擋這記拳頭?


So tell me what you got on your mind

不如大方點 告訴我 你心裏面究竟在想些什麼?

Am I keepin' you up at night?

夜深人靜的時候 會不會偷偷想起我?

Keepin' you up at night


I'll never let you be, no



Are you thinkin' of me when you're with somebody else?

你牽著她手 卻無話可說的時候 是不是也念念不忘著我?

Do you talk to me when you're talkin' to yourself?

空虛寂寞的時候 是不是也會對著空氣說話 假裝那是我?

Are you reachin' for me, makin' love to someone else?

和別人承歡縱樂的時候 手指頭是不是也正緩緩伸向我?

Do you talk to me when you're talkin' to yourself?

當你找不到人陪 和自己聊天的時候 是不是也會想起我?

When you're talkin' to your—


Talk to me


When you're talkin' to your—

要是你從今以後 你都只能這麼--


Are you thinkin' of me?


Does it kill you that you're thinkin' of me?

趁別人不注意的時候 偷偷地想我 又不會少了一塊肉?


Are you thinkin' of me when you're with somebody else?

你牽著她手 卻無話可說的時候 是不是也念念不忘著我?

Do you talk to me when you're talkin' to yourself?

空虛寂寞的時候 是不是也會對著空氣說話 假裝那是我?

Are you reachin' for me, makin' love to someone else?

和別人承歡縱樂的時候 手指頭是不是也正緩緩伸向我?

Do you talk to me when you're talkin' to yourself?

當你找不到人陪 和自己聊天的時候 是不是也會想起我?

When you're talkin' to your—


Talk to me


When you're talkin' to yourself

要是你只能默默忍受後果 這也是你自找的

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