專輯:The London Sessions 倫敦之音
Mary J. Blige, Taylor Swift - Doubt
Mary J. Blige - Doubt (Official Video)
They said I’d never be a leader
他們說我不成火侯 只配作隊員
They said I’d never wear a crown
說我沒那種本錢 不適合戴皇冠
If I wanted to be someone
I should learn to settle down
不如早一點認清現實 步入婚姻
(You should know better) I tell myself
(你怎麼就是學不乖呢) 我不禁萌生放棄的念頭
(You’ll never go further) I warned myself
(這條路你注定走不遠) 我告誡自己眼光別放太遠
(You’ll never be better) Don’t know me that well
(你永遠也無法成為理想中的自己) 想必你沒有想像中懂我呢
I made it to the end
I nearly paid the cost
I lost a lot of friends
I sacrificed a lot
我犧牲多少 才換來今天的成就
I’d do it all again
要是能重來 我還是會做出相同決定
Cause I made it to the top
因為我的目標 放在榮登那無上寶座
But I can’t keep doubting myself anymore
No, ooh, oh, oh
No, ooh, oh, oh
I can’t keep doubting myself, no
若真想成功 我就必須學會去相信自己
Now you’re looking at a leader
你現在看見的隊長已展現才能 聲名遠播
Now you’re staring at a queen
而你眼前的她 無非就是鼎鼎有名的皇后
You’d said I’d never be someone
你本來不也是斬釘截鐵地說 我不成氣候
But now I’m pulling those strings
(You should know better) Won’t make me back down
(你真該學聰明點) 無論你怎麼施壓 都無法將我撂倒
(You’ll never go further) Can’t turn me around
(你想跑也跑不了多遠) 區區一點阻礙 怎能把我嚇跑
(You’ll never be better) So no stopping me now
(你夢想永遠不會實現) 我氣勢如虹 任誰也阻止不了
I made it to the end
我要燃燒鬥志 衝向終點線
I nearly paid the cost
我為了成功 幾乎付出一切
I lost a lot of friends
I sacrificed a lot
I’d do it all again
就算要重來 我也絕不後悔
Cause I made it to the top
因為要達到巔峰 我就得拼命向前進
I can’t keep doubting myself anymore
我沒有多的時間心力 去懷疑自己任何決定
You think you know
But you don’t know the half
殊不知從來一知半解 一點根據也沒有
You think you beat me down
你自鳴得意 還以為從此除掉了眼中釘
But I’ll have the last laugh
卻不曉得 笑到最後一刻的人絕對是我
I’ll keep getting up
我會好好振作 努力奮戰直到最後
Cause that’s what I want to do
因為我最想做的 無非是擊潰心魔和敵人
I’m gonna be the best me
我會不斷精進 直到成為最優秀的自己
I’m sorry if it kills you
不小心礙著你 我可得先說聲對不起
I made it to the end
I nearly paid the cost
I lost a lot of friends
I sacrificed a lot
犧牲奉獻 只為得償所願
I’d do it all again
為了成功 我願意再走這一遭
Cause I made it to the top
因為我的目標 就是要登山遠眺美好
I can’t keep doubting myself anymore
若要如此 我就不可以再懷疑自己的能力
Oooh, no, ooh, no, no, no
I can’t keep doubting myself, no, no
我不可以再自我懷疑 必須相信自己辦得到
[Spoken Verse: Sam Smith]
And I remember holding The Breakthrough album
Holding it in my hands, in my car
我緊緊地握著專輯 在我的車裡頭
Listening to it on repeat
To me she was this untouchable goddess
對我而言 她就像是觸不可及女神般的存在
And, and when I met her
然後呢 當我有幸遇見她本人
I really, really wasn't expecting her
我腦筋一片空白 完全沒有設想到會有這個機會
To just be, like me
就是說 當下我的感受
I feel like we're, we're so similar
我感覺就好像我們兩人之間 心靈互通