
專輯:Midnights 午夜


Question... ?

Taylor Swift - Question...? (Official Lyric Video)


I remember



Good girl, sad boy

善良的女主角 邂逅憂愁的他

Big city, wrong choices

場景設在大都會 邂逅是陰錯陽差

We had one thing goin' on

你我之間的氛圍 變得相當緊張

I swear that it was somethin'

而我敢說 我倆關係絕對非比尋常

'Cause I don't remember who I was

因為我實在想不起 我認識你之前的模樣

Before you painted all my nights

你畫筆一揮 我夜色瞬即染上色彩

A color I've searched for since



But one thing after another

無奈禍不單行 一波未平一波又起

Fuckin' situations, circumstances

他媽的疑難雜症 身處險境無法脫離

Miscommunications and I

雙方無疑是對牛彈琴 而我

Have to say, by the way

有些話不吐不快 順帶一提

I just may like some explanations

我可能有必要加上註解 自行出面發聲 


Can I ask you a question?


Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room

你可曾有在大庭廣眾下 卻遭人湊上前吻你 這類不愉快的經歷

And every single one of your friends was makin' fun of you

而起初在場認識你的每一個人 均投以鄙夷的目光 奚落嘲弄著你

But fifteen seconds later, thеy were clappin' too?

等時間過了十五秒 對方這才鬆唇 旁人卻轉而鼓掌叫好?

Then what did you do?



Did you lеave her house in the middle of the night? Oh

你該不是惡狠狠將她拋下 放她一人渡過孤單寂寞的夜晚?噢

Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight, oh

你該不是拜倒在誘惑的裙下 儘管內心天人交戰 噢

When she said it was too much?

當她睜開眼 蹙眉並對你說太過火了?

Do you wish you could still touch her?


It's just a question



Half-moon eyes, bad surprise

小狗圓睜眼神 看樣子這場驚喜是個爛主意

Did you realize out of time?

你怎會不清楚 此舉既粗魯又不合時宜?

She was on your mind with some dickhead guy

你對她印象 還停留在她和某個混帳傢伙廝混幽會

That you saw that night


But you were on somethin'



It was one drink after another

喝了一杯又一杯特調 將酒精吞下肚

Fuckin' politics and gender roles

該死的政論理念 還有性別意識分歧

And you're not sure and I don't know

而你充滿著不同變數 但論原因我也說不清

Got swept away in the grey

溜進迷濛灰暗的眼眸 如此傾心

I just may like to have a conversation

也許我該想想別的好主意 移駕至新話題


Can I ask you a question?


Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room

你可曾有在大庭廣眾下 卻遭人湊上前吻你 這類不愉快的經歷

And every single one of your friends was makin' fun of you

而起初在場認識你的每一個人 均投以鄙夷的目光 奚落嘲弄著你

But fifteen seconds later, thеy were clappin' too?

等時間過了十五秒 對方這才鬆唇 旁人卻轉而鼓掌叫好?

Then what did you do?



Did you lеave her house in the middle of the night? Oh

你該不是惡狠狠將她拋下 放她一人渡過孤單寂寞的夜晚?噢

Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight, oh

你該不是拜倒在誘惑的裙下 儘管內心天人交戰 噢

When she said it was too much?

當她睜開眼 蹙眉並對你說太過火了?

Do you wish you could still touch her?


It's just a question



Does it feel like everything's just like

從那顆吻之後 你是否也有著相同的感受

Second best after that meteor strike?

發覺體會隕石撞擊後 任何人都成了將就?

And what's that that I heard? That you're still with her?


That's nice, I'm sure that's what's suitable

那敢情好 我敢說你和她兜在一塊 肯定速配極了

And right, but tonight

沒事的 不過今晚的話呢


Can I ask you a question?


Did you ever have someone kiss you in a crowded room

你可曾有在大庭廣眾下 卻遭人湊上前吻你 這類不愉快的經歷

And every single one of your friends was makin' fun of you

而起初在場認識你的每一個人 均投以鄙夷的目光 奚落嘲弄著你

But fifteen seconds later, thеy were clappin' too?

等時間過了十五秒 對方這才鬆唇 旁人卻轉而鼓掌叫好?

Then what did you do?



Did you lеave her house in the middle of the night? Oh

你該不是惡狠狠將她拋下 放她一人渡過孤單寂寞的夜晚?噢

Did you wish you'd put up more of a fight, oh

你該不是拜倒在誘惑的裙下 儘管內心天人交戰 噢

When she said it was too much?

當她睜開眼 蹙眉並對你說太過火了?

Do you wish you could still touch her?


It's just a question


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