
專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) 紅色 (泰勒絲全新版)


Hidden Message: won't stop till it's over 了結前,我不死心。


Taylor Swift - Treacherous (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)


Put your lips close to mine

將你和我的唇 靠得愈近愈好

As long as they don't touch

只要兩者之間 保持距離就好

Out of focus, eye to eye

眼神逐漸迷離 瞳孔隨之失焦

'Til the gravity's too much

直至萬有引力 把我們拉回地表


And I'll do anything you say

無論你要我做什麼 我都會應允

If you say it with your hands

不過前提是 你得用行動來表明

And I'd be smart to walk away

要是我夠識相的話 就會悻悻然離去

But you're quicksand

可你就像流沙 將我捲入


This slope is treacherous

這一段危險關係 就像是陡坡

This path is reckless

小徑蜿蜒崎嶇 難以行走

This slope is treacherous

明知危險關係 比陡坡還危險

And I-I-I like it



I can't decide if it's a choice

就算明擺著決定 我依然無法定奪

Getting swept away


I hear the sound of my own voice

我聽見我發出微弱的聲音 顫抖地說著

Asking you to stay



And all we are is skin and bone

你我之間的情誼 就如同骨肉般緊密

Trained to get along

得先學會協調合作 才能在一起

Forever going with the flow

儘管我過去也曾像世人 隨波逐流

But you're friction

可你就像摩擦力 攔阻了我


This slope is treacherous

這一段危險關係 就像是陡坡

This path is reckless

小徑蜿蜒崎嶇 難以行走

This slope is treacherous

明知危險關係 比陡坡還危險

And I-I-I like it



Two headlights shine through the sleepless night

緊緊相印的兩顆心化作車前燈 盡情照耀這無眠的夜

And I will get you, get you alone

而我總會逮到你 逮到你獨處的時候

Your name has echoed through my mind

你的名字化作回音 與相思引發了迴響共鳴

And I just think you should, think you should know

而我認為你有必要 有必要去理解我對你的情意有多濃


That nothing safe is worth the drive

就算人們說 局不值得冒這麼大的風險

And I would follow you, follow you home

我還是會一路追隨你回家 追隨你勇敢追愛

I'll follow you, follow you home

對你一往情深的我 從來無怨也無悔


This hope is treacherous

希望之火雖然微弱 卻足以傷心

This daydream is dangerous

看似平凡的白日夢 其實危機四伏

This hope is treacherous

對危險關係 理應不抱期望才是

I-I-I, I-I-I, I-I-I



Two headlights shine through the sleepless night

緊緊相印的兩顆心化作車燈 盡情照耀這無眠的夜

And I will get you, get you alone

總會逮到你 逮到你獨處的時候

Your name has echoed through my mind

你的名字化作回音 與相思引發了迴響共鳴

And I just think you should, think you should know

而我認為你有必要 有必要去理解我對你的情意有多濃


That nothing safe is worth the drive

就算人們說 感情值得冒這麼大的風險

And I would follow you, follow you home

我還是會一路追隨你回家 追隨你勇敢追愛

I'll follow you, follow you home

對你一往情深的我 從來無怨也無悔

I'll follow you, follow you home

既然我心出借給你 就不要你歸還

I'll follow you, follow you home

不小心愛上你 就沒有死心的打算

I'll follow you, follow you home

無論你到哪兒去 都將會有我作伴


This slope is treacherous


I-I-I like it

我還是順著斜坡 溜了下去

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