
專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) - 紅色 (泰勒絲全新版)


Taylor Swift - Begin Again

Taylor Swift - Begin Again (Taylor's Version) (Lyric Video)

Hidden message: I wear heels now. 我真的放下你了


Took a deep breath in the mirror

空氣沁入鼻腔 凝視連身鏡的自己 然後沈思了好一會兒 

He didn't like it when I wore high heels

記得還在一起時 他不怎麼允許穿高跟鞋 說是會讓他擔心

But I do

但現在 似乎也少了這層顧慮


Turn the lock and put my headphones on

鎖好門 並依序把耳機塞進耳朵 裡頭緩緩流瀉熟悉歌聲

He always said he didn't get this song

記得他老是抱怨 認為歌詞太過晦澀 不懂想表達什麼

But I do, I do

當時我沒能表達感受 但這份心情 只有心碎了才懂


I walked in, expecting you'd be late

我推開大門 踏進咖啡廳 摘下耳機 預估你會遲到多久

But you got here early and you stand and wave

殊不知你提前幾分鐘到 一見到我 便猛地起身 並衝著我揮手

I walk to you

我報以微笑 並走上前


You pull my chair out and help me in

你先是替我拉開桌椅 好方便我就座 像個紳士似地

And you don't know how nice that is

這些體貼又窩心的舉動 你還以為我一點也不在意

But I do

但不瞞你說 我全看在眼裡


And you throw your head back laughin' like a little kid

而你仰頭大笑 差點沒摔得四腳朝天 像個天無邪孩子似的

I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did

起初我有些困惑 因為同樣玩笑 無論再幽默 都沒能把他逗樂

I've been spending the last eight months

治療傷痛的這八個月裡頭 我反覆回溯著

Thinkin' all love ever does is break and burn and end

尋思我在這愛情裡看見的 除了受傷 一次次心痛 還是感情無疾而終

But on a Wednesday, in a café, I watched it begin again

週三午後的咖啡廳 我看著來來去去的顧客 開始思考如何重新來過


You said you never met one girl who

你說 就你認識的異性朋友當中 還不曾碰過

Had as many James Taylor records as you

會有蒐集專輯習慣的人 更遑論是詹姆斯泰勒

But I do

那時我羞極了 並告訴你這沒什麼


We tell stories and you don't know why

我們像是許久不見的友人 沒來由地傾吐心事

I'm comin' off a little shy

起初我有些緊張 吞吞吐吐 不知該從何開始

But I do

但也多虧這件事 我們才更加認識彼此


But you throw your head back laughin' like a little kid

而你扯開嘴角 把嘴巴咧得大大的 咯咯笑著 簡直像個孩子似的

I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did

我忽然不知所措 誤以為自己不小心說錯什麼 因為他從不懂我的幽默

I've been spending the last eight months

失去他的這八個月 我細數會是哪一步踏錯

Thinkin' all love ever does is break and burn and end

才導致這份愛 變成了一次次挫折 灼熱般的痛 還有眼看不勇敢的人逃走

But on a Wednesday, in a café

陽光燦爛的星期三午後 和你在咖啡廳促膝長談後

I watched it begin again

我發現自己還有勇氣 能夠重新來過


And we walked down the block to my car

後來我們離開咖啡廳 沿著街區步行 來到我停車的路口

And I almost brought him up

相愛的種種忽然湧現 我也確實動了提起他的念頭

But you start to talk about the movies

而你卻不經意談到 過節家人聚在一塊 會看哪些電影

That your family watches every single Christmas

笑著說久久見上一面 該利用難得機會 好因應聖誕氣氛

And I wanna talk about that

而我學會下回憶 轉而和你聊起其他話題

And for the first time, what's past is past

而我這才體會到 既然過去不能重來 那就讓它留在過去吧


'Cause you throw your head back laughin' like a little kid

聽見你爽朗又真誠的笑聲 像個孩子似的 而那份喜悅也感染了我

I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did

與你談天的同時 我忽然想起 那時還待在感情的我 其實一點也不快樂

I've been spending the last eight months

足足有八個月的時間 我就像是被掏空似的

Thinkin' all love ever does is break and burn and end

這才明白在愛情裡 我的心早已被人傷透 那灼熱般的刺痛 伴隨無止盡的心碎

But on a Wednesday, in a café, I watched it begin again

但那週三午 和在咖啡廳談過後 我想了想 決定再給愛情一次機會


But on a Wednesday, in a café

暖洋洋的星期三午後 我在當地的咖啡廳 找了個角落

I watched it begin again

想著如何重新開始 揮別傷痛 於是寫下這首歌

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