
專輯:Midnights 午夜


Sweet Nothing

Taylor Swift - Sweet Nothing (Official Lyric Video)


I spy with my little tired eye


Tiny as a firefly, a pebble

如螢火蟲般袖珍迷你 鵝卵石一粒

That we picked up last July



Down deep inside your pocket

滑進你口袋深處 便再也沒取出

We almost forgot it


Does it ever miss Wicklow sometimes?


Ooh, ooh

噢 噢


They said the end is coming

人們紛紛警誡道 末日快將來臨

Everyone's up to something

世態炎涼 人人自危且各自為政

I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings

我聽聞警報 匆匆忙忙急奔回家 才發覺不過一場甜美的空無


Outside they’re push and shoving

屋外人心惶惶 行人在街道左推右擠

You're in the kitchen hummin'

你人在廚房料理 愜意地哼唱旋律

All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing

後來你和我兜兜轉轉走到一起 對我的渴望 向來是盡致零漓


On the way home


I wrote a poem

我寫了情詩 給你欣賞

You say, "What a mind"

你大大讚許我 並稱『多麼使人心往』

This happens all the time

模式不斷重複 成為我倆的日常

Ooh, ooh

噢 噢


’Causе they said the end is coming

只因人們對我警誡道 末日就在不遠處

Evеryone's up to something

人人心懷不軌 切莫一視同仁

I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings

我聽了憂心忡忡 於是以最快速度返家 從你身上獲取寬慰舒心


Outside they're push and shoving

室外擠滿一屋子的人 爭先恐後地推擠

You're in the kitchen hummin'


All that you ever wanted from me was nothing

這才明白 你想從我身上獲取的事物 從來盡致零漓


Industry disruptors and soul deconstructors

業界出了名的巨擘 其實早就出賣了靈魂 掛著羊頭賣起狗肉

And smooth-talking hucksters out glad-handing each other

以巧妙而毫無任何破綻的話術 型塑出友好熱情的假象 引人上鉤

And the voices that implore, "You should be doing more"

而那低沉且蠱惑人心的嗓音 不斷央求道『能否再為我寫些歌曲』

To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it

但在你跟前 我才能勇於承認我是心腸太軟 捨不得拒絕他人



They said the end is coming

人們警誡我 末日就在不遠處

Evеryone's up to something

人人心懷不軌 切莫一視同仁

I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings

我聽了憂心忡忡 於是以最快速度返家 從你身上獲取寬慰舒心


Outside they're push and shoving

室外擠滿一屋子的人 爭先恐後地推擠

You're in the kitchen hummin'


All that you ever wanted from me was nothing

這才明白 你想從我身上獲取的事物 從來盡致零漓


They said the end is coming

人們紛紛警誡道 末日快將來臨

(They said the end is coming)

人們警誡我 末日就在不遠處

Everyone's up to something

世態炎涼 人人自危且各自為政

(Everyone’s up to something)

(人人心懷不軌 切莫一視同仁)

I found myself a-running home to your sweet nothings

我聽聞警報 匆匆忙忙急奔回家 才發覺不過一場甜美的空無


Outside they’re push and shoving

屋外人心惶惶 行人在街道左推右擠

(Outside they're push and shoving)

(室外擠滿一屋子的人 爭先恐後地推擠)

You're in the kitchen hummin'

你人在廚房料理 愜意地哼唱旋律

(You're in the kitchen hummin')


All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing

你和我走過風風雨雨才在一起 對我的渴望 向來是盡致零漓

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