
專輯:Midnights 午夜


Taylor Swift - High Infidelity (Lyric Video)


Lock broken, slur spoken

鎖頭斷裂毀損 爆粗口穢語

Wound open, game token

開放式傷口 幾枚遊戲代幣

I didn't know you were keeping count

我可不曉得 你會一一計算我踏錯了幾步


Rain soaking, blind hoping

雨水浸濕我心 希望渺茫盲目

You said I was freeloading

你說我太過隨心所欲 妄為恣意

I didn't know you were keeping count

我可不曉得 你會一一算計我踏錯了幾步


High infidelity


Put on your records and regret me

儘管出賣我吧 後悔還是背叛我隨便你

I bent the truth too far tonight

我今晚又扭曲原意 轉譯為特殊涵義

I was dancing around, dancing around it

我不過是顧全大局 設法讓事實對自己有利


High infidelity


Put on your headphones and burn my city

你儘管掛上耳機 掩耳盜鈴 焚毀我所處的都心

Your picket fence is sharp as knives

你籬笆削得又尖又細 比刀鋒還來得銳利

I was dancing around, dancing around it

我只得踏著輕盈腳步閃躲 如跳舞般避開攻擊


Do you really wanna know where I was April 29th?

你是單純好奇 還是真想知道我四月二十九號那天人在哪?

Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?

還是要我體貼點 趁你和我丈夫乾瞪眼 排出十二星座誰最渣?


Storm coming, good husband

預感風暴來襲 好夫婿未雨綢繆

Bad omen


Dragged my feet right down the aisle

為了舉行婚禮 把我大老遠拽到僻壤荒漠


At the house lonely, good money

偌大宅院卻獨守空閨 萬貫家財揮霍

I'd pay if you'd just know me

我寧可聘你 一解我寂寞芳心的渴

Seemed like the right thing at the time

身陷低谷的時候 其實根本也不顧慮了太多


You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love

你該知道這世界幅員遼闊 可以殺死心的方法很多 能殺死心上人的更是有千百種

The slowest way is never loving them enough

最為殘忍的凌遲手法 便是若即若離 隨時能離去

Do you really wanna know where I was April 29th?

既然如此 你對我四月二十九號當天 身在何處還提得起興趣?

Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?

難不成你真想親耳聽見 讓我重拾快樂 笑顏逐開的人 是他而不是你?


High infidelity


Put on your records and regret me

儘管出賣我去吧 後悔還是背叛我隨便你

I bent the truth too far tonight

我今晚又扭曲原意 轉譯為特殊涵義

I was dancing around, dancing around it

我不過是顧全大局 設法讓事實對自己有利


High infidelity


Put on your headphones and burn my city

你儘管掛上耳機 掩耳盜鈴 焚毀我所處的都心

Your picket fence is sharp as knives

你籬笆削得又尖又細 比刀鋒還來得銳利

I was dancing around, dancing around it

我只得踏著輕盈腳步閃躲 如跳舞般避開攻擊


Do you really wanna know where I was April 29th?

你是單純好奇 還是真想知道我四月二十九號那天人在哪?

Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?

還是要我體貼點 趁你和我丈夫乾瞪眼 排出十二星座誰最渣?


You know there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love

你該知道這世界幅員遼闊 可以殺死心的方法很多 能殺死心上人的更是有千百種

The slowest way is never loving them enough

最為殘忍的凌遲手法 便是若即若離 隨時能離去


High infidelity


Put on your records and regret meeting me

儘管出賣我去吧 背叛還是後悔認識過我隨便你

I bent the truth too far tonight

我今晚又扭曲原意 轉譯為特殊涵義

I was dancing around, dancing around it

我不過是顧全大局 設法讓事實對自己有利


High infidelity


Put on your headphones and burn my city

你儘管掛上耳機 掩耳盜鈴 焚毀我所處的都心

Your picket fence is sharp as knives

你籬笆削得又尖又細 比刀鋒還來得銳利

I was dancing around, dancing around it

我只得踏著輕盈腳步閃躲 如跳舞般避開攻擊


[Non-Lyrical Break]


Oh, there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love

噢 這世上流傳著足以殺死心上人的方法有千百種 對我明明是那樣地多

And it's never enough, it's never enough

而對你卻永遠也不夠 滿足貪心的你永遠不夠


Lock broken, slur spoken

鎖頭斷裂毀損 爆粗口穢語

Wound open, game token

開放式傷口 幾枚遊戲代幣

I didn't know you were keeping count

我可不曉得 你會一一計算我踏錯了幾步


Rain soaking, blind hoping

雨水浸濕我心 希望太過盲目

You said I was freeloading

你說我太過隨心所欲 妄為恣意

I didn't know you were keeping count

我可不曉得 你會一一計算我踏錯了幾步

But, oh, you were keeping count

可是呢 噢 你一直以來都不曾忘記

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