專輯:Midnights 午夜
Taylor Swift - Dear Reader (Official Lyric Video)
Dear reader, if it feels like a trap
我親愛的讀者 假如有預感背後有詐
You're already in one
Dear reader, get out your map
我親愛的讀者 收起你行囊的地圖
Pick somewhere and just run
大膽闖入陌生境地 並朝未知狂奔
Dear reader, burn all the files
我親愛的讀者 焚毀儲存檔案紀錄
Desert all your past lives
捨棄你過去 勇敢向未來邁進
And if you don't recognize yourself
若是你一時失意灰心 以致認不清自己
That means you did it right
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
永遠也別聽取因應付不來際遇 轉而玩物喪志之人的建議
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
永遠記住盲人摸象的道理 若自顧不暇 便失去開導的權利
Dear reader, bend when you can
我忠實的讀者 勇於嘗試能力外之事
Snap when you have to
切莫等待無花時 才空折枝
Dear reader, you don't have to answer
我忠實的讀者 你沒有解決疑難雜症的義務
Just 'cause they asked you
凡有問必有答 不應是你的勤務
(You should find another)
(你不如先行離開 另謀高明)
Dear reader, the greatest of luxuries is your secrets
我忠實的讀者 珍惜你最為珍稀罕見的秘密 並用生命死守
Dear reader, when you aim at the devil
我忠實的讀者 若是舉弓瞄準傷害你的惡魔
Make sure you don't miss
可得確保箭無虛發 別射偏了
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
永遠也別聽取因應付不來際遇 轉而玩物喪志之人的建議
Never take advice from someone who's falling apart
永遠記住盲人摸象的道理 若自顧不暇 便失去開導的權利
So I wander through these nights
I prefer hiding in plain sight
我驚天動地的祕密 明擺在眼前
My fourth drink in my hand
我握著的酒 已是今晚第四杯
These desperate prayers of a cursed man
受詛咒之人迫於絕望之下 轉向上蒼乞求赦免
Spilling out to you for free
終生均適用的哲理 相授免費
But darling, darling, please
可親愛的 親愛的 且聽我一句勸
You wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking
等你查出發話者是誰 想必會抱持著半信半疑的心態 並輕蔑看待
If you knew where I was walking
若你曉得我沿著這條路 最後將通往哪裡
To a house, not a home, all alone 'cause nobody's there
不如跟隨我進屋 進到稱不上家的去處 關在書房與想法獨處
Where I pace in my pen and my friends found friends who care
那兒便是我振筆疾書 並傾聽我關心的好友訴苦 攀談細聊的祕密基地
No one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire
人生就像接龍 就算失敗落魄也無所謂 只因沒有人看得見你
You should find another guiding light, guiding light
你真該替壞處打算 尋盞指路明燈 順便提醒你當心眼前
While I shine so bright
You should find another guiding light, guiding light
你真該未雨綢繆 提前找另一盞指路明燈 為你探照前景
While I shine so bright
You should find another, you should find another (Guiding light)
要記住凡事不能得過且過 你非得找到新方向目標不可 (指引你的明燈)
Find another, you should find another
你可別忘了 你永遠得事先出發找下一個
You should find another