專輯:Midnights 午夜
Taylor Swift - Labyrinth (Official Lyric Video)
"It only hurts this much right now"
『人所能感受最深刻的痛楚 便是現今』
Was what I was thinkin' the whole time
是一直以來縈繞我腦海 反覆忖度的大哉問
Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out
張大嘴巴將空氣呼進 吸入肺部 沁人心脾 再行噘嘴悉數吐出
I'll be gettin' over you my whole life
我將浪擲我寶貴的一生 只為澈底忘卻你
You know how scared I am of elevators
你還記得我對從小對電梯的恐懼 尚未釋懷
Never trust it if it rises fast
僅是信任問題 無關乎爬升快慢
It can't last
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
噢-噢 原來這就是墜入愛河
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
噢 糟了 我可真不想再次墜入愛河
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
好吧 看來我就要墜入愛河
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
你究竟是如何操控 才讓它重回正軌?
It only feels this raw right now
人類最為赤裸脆弱的時刻 便是現今
Lost in the labyrinth of my mind
Break up, break free, break through, break down
因糾紛不可調停而分手 起初如獲自由 發覺沒突破 最終倒地痛哭
You would break your back to make me break a smile
你願為我赴湯蹈火 哪怕腰傷背損 只為換取我破涕為笑 嘴角揚起
You know how much I hate
That everybody just expects me to bounce back
就在我倒地不起之際 世人自動認定我還有爬起的氣力
Just like that
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
噢-噢 原來這就是墜入愛河
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
噢 糟了 我可真不想再次墜入愛河
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
好吧 看來我就要墜入愛河
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
你究竟是如何操控 才讓它重回正軌?
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
噢-噢 原來這就是墜入愛河
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
噢 糟了 我可真不想再次墜入愛河
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
好吧 看來我就要墜入愛河
I thought the plane was goin' down
我還以為班機凶多吉少 注定失事墜毀
How'd you turn it right around?
你究竟是如何操控 才讓它重返正軌?
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
噢-噢 原來這就是墜入愛河
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
噢 糟了 我可真不想再次墜入愛河
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
好吧 看來我就要墜入愛河
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
你究竟是如何操控 才讓它回到正軌?
Uh-oh, I'm fallin' in love
噢-噢 原來這就是墜入愛河
Oh no, I'm fallin' in love again
噢 糟了 我可真不想再次墜入愛河
Oh, I'm fallin' in love
好吧 看來我就要墜入愛河
I thought the plane was goin' down
How'd you turn it right around?
你究竟是如何操控 才讓它重返正軌?