專輯:Midnights 午夜
Taylor Swift - Glitch (Official Lyric Video)
We were supposed to be just friends
我們本該恪守朋友名分 別繼續往下踰矩
You don't live in my part of town, but maybe I'll see you out some weekend
你我意見相左 終究不是一路人 但也許偶爾週末和共同朋友出遊 會不經意地巧遇
Depending on what kind of mood and situationship I'm in
端看我當下心情 以及我和對象處在不上不下關係的哪個階段
And what's in my system
I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah
我想剛才發生突波意外造成了延誤 噢 耶
Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch, oh, yeah
約莫五秒鐘過後 燈光亮起 我便被你逮個正著 只因針線將你我纏在一起 噢 耶
And I'm not even sorry, nights are so starry
而我毫無悔意 只怪星夜太皎潔 掛在天上放光明
Blood moonlit
It must be counterfeit
I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah
我想剛才發生突波意外造成延遲了 噢 耶
I was supposed to sweat you out
In search of glorious happenings of happenstance on someone else's playground
有鑑於隔壁棚因緣際會邂逅 造就的巧合際遇 見證了偉岸而澎湃的情誼 讓我打消情事
But it's been two-thousand one-hundred ninety days of our love blackout
可從六年前開始 我們便盡力維繫感情 不讓它有機會見光死 儘管伸手不見五指
(Our love is blacking out)
(我們的愛 像停電見不到彼此)
The system's breaking down
系統嚴重故障 毀損且無法修復
(The system's breaking down)
(系統嚴重故障 毀損且無法修復)
I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah
我想剛才發生突波意外造成了延誤 噢 耶
Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch, oh, yeah
約莫五秒鐘過後 燈光亮起 我便被你逮個正著 只因針線將你我纏在一起 噢 耶
And I'm not even sorry, nights are so starry
而我毫無悔意 只怪星夜太皎潔 掛在天上放光明
Blood moonlit
It must be counterfeit
I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah
我想剛才發生突波意外造成延遲了 噢 耶
A brief interruption, a slight malfunction
訊號短暫地失去連結 似乎是輕微的接觸不良
I'd go back to wanting dudes who give nothing
我發現原來自己渴望的愛 是對方除了我茶飯都不想
I thought we had no chance
And that's romance, let's dance
若今才知悉那就是愛 今晚就讓浪漫來作主
I think there's been a glitch, oh, yeah
我想剛才發生突波意外造成了延誤 噢 耶
Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch, oh, yeah
約莫五秒鐘過後 燈光亮起 我便被你逮個正著 只因針線將你我纏在一起 噢 耶
And I'm not even sorry, nights are so starry
而我毫無悔意 只怪星夜太皎潔 掛在天上放光明
Blood moonlit
It must be counterfeit
I think there's been a glitch