
專輯:Rumours 謠言


You Make Loving Fun (2004 Remaster)

Fleetwood Mac - You Make Loving Fun

Fleetwood Mac - You make loving fun (The Dance Live)


Sweet wonderful you


You make me happy with the things you do

不論你做了什麼樣的事情 都使我無比高興

Oh, can it be so?

噢 難不成是真的?

This feeling follows me wherever I go

不論我走到哪兒去 這感覺總跟隨著我


I never did believe in miracles


But I've a feeling it's time to try

但我有種預感 是時候試試看了

I never did believe in the ways of magic

我也從來就不曾相信 魔術的神秘之處

But I'm beginning to wonder why

但漸漸地 我也開始好奇技法了


[Guitar solo]


I never did believe in miracles


But I've a feeling it's time to try

但我有種預感 是時候試試看了

I never did believe in the ways of magic

我也從來就不曾相信 魔術的神秘之處

But I'm beginning to wonder why

但漸漸地 我也開始好奇技法了


Don't, don't break the spell

別急著 別急著打破魔咒

It would be different and you know it will

一切將會變得不同 想必你也明白為什麼

You, you make loving fun

你 你讓這份愛變得有趣

And I don't have to tell you but you're the only one

我想我沒有那個必要告訴你 但你就是那個特例


You, you make loving fun (It's all I want to do)

你 你讓這份愛變得有趣 (我只想和你赴雲雨)

You, you make loving fun (It's all I want to do)

你 你讓這份愛變得有趣 (我只想和你赴雲雨)

You, you make loving fun (It's all I want to do)

你 你讓這份愛變得有趣 (我只想和你赴雲雨)

You, you make loving fun (It's all I want to do)

你 你讓這份愛變得有趣 (我只想和你赴雲雨)


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