
專輯:Always In Between 左右為難


Jess Glynne - I'll Be There [Official Video]


When all the tears are rolling down your face

當你眼眶噙忍已久的淚水 悉數從你臉龐滾滾而落

And it feels like yours was the only heart to break

而這感覺彷彿就像除了你以外 別人的心碎了都不難受

When you come back home and all the lights are out

當你渡過這漫長的一天 好不容易回到家 熄了燈倒頭就睡

And you're getting used to no one else being around

而你漸漸地也習慣了 身邊沒有任何可以倚賴的人的存在


Oh, oh, I'll be there

噢 噢 別忘了我在你身邊

When you need a little love, I got a little love to share

每當脆弱的你需要那麼一點點愛 我手邊就有一點愛能支援

Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through

沒錯 我即將要 我準備要 我就要來到你的身邊 不管有多遠

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠不會是一個人 我隨時就在你身邊陪伴


I'll be there, I'll be there for you

我就在你身邊 我會給你我最大的關愛

I'll be there, I'll be there for you

我會在你身邊 我陪在你左右 不讓你孤單

Oh, I swear, I got enough love for two

噢 我向天發誓 我真負擔得起兩人份的愛

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 因為我就陪在你身邊


When it's Friday night and the drink don't work the same

好不容易撐到了週五 外出小酌 但酒精卻發揮不了它原有的作用

And you're alone with yourself and there's no one else to blame

而你又落得獨守空閨 與寂寞共處的困境 而身邊甚至沒人可歸咎過錯

When you still can't feel the rhythm of your heart

當你等了又等 仍遲遲聽不見你胸口響起的樂動心旋律

And you see your spirit fading in the dark

而你只能眼望你靈魂逐漸於黑暗之中 燃燒殆盡


Oh, oh, I'll be there

噢 噢 別忘了我在你身旁

When you need a little love, I got a little love to share

每當脆弱的你需要那麼一點點愛 我這兒就有一點愛能分享

Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through

沒錯 我即將要 我準備要 我就要來到你的身邊 不管有多遠

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠不會是一個人 我隨時就在你身邊陪伴


I'll be there, I'll be there for you

我就在你身邊 我會給你我最大的關愛

I'll be there, I'll be there for you (I'll be there for you)

我會在你身邊 我陪在你左右 不讓你孤單 (我就陪伴在你身邊)

Oh, I swear, I got enough love for two

噢 我向天發誓 我真負擔得起兩人份的愛

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 因為我就陪在你身邊


When you're lost down the river, babe, I'll be there

當你迷失在時間這條長長的洪流 親愛的 我會拽著你離開

When you're lost in the darkness, I'll be there

當你身處一片漆黑 遍尋不著方向 我會做你的嚮導

I'll be there when your heart is breaking

我會陪在你的身邊 我保證永遠也不讓你心碎

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 我人永遠陪在你身邊

I'll be there



I'll be there, I'll be there for you (I'll be there)

我就在你身邊 我會給你我最大的關愛 (我就在你身邊)

I'll be there, I'll be there for you (Ooh, ooh, I'll be there)

我會在你身邊 我陪在你左右 不讓你孤單 (噢 噢 我隨時在你身邊)

Oh, I swear, I got enough love for two

噢 我向天發誓 我真負擔得起兩人份的愛

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you (Oh, oh, oh)

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 因為我就陪在你身邊 (噢 噢 噢)


I'll be there, I'll be there for you

我就在你身邊 我會給你我最大的關愛

(I'll be there when your tears are falling)

(我會陪在你的身邊 替你把滑落的淚水拭乾)

I'll be there, I'll be there for you

我會在你身邊 我陪在你左右 不讓你孤單

(I'll be there, can't you hear me calling?)

(我就在你身邊 難道你還沒聽見我的呼喚?)

Oh, I swear, I got enough love for two

噢 我向天發誓 我真負擔得起兩人份的愛

(I'll be there when your heart is breaking)

(我就陪伴在你的身邊 說什麼也不會讓你心碎)

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you, ooh

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 因為我就陪在你的身邊 噢


I'll be there for you, ooh

我一定會陪在你的身邊 噢

I'll be there for you, ooh

我永遠都會陪在你身邊 噢

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 因為我就陪伴在你身邊


I'll be there for you, ooh

我一定會陪在你的身邊 噢

I'll be there for you, ooh

我永遠都會陪在你身邊 噢

You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you

你永遠也不會感到寂寞 因為我就陪伴在你身邊

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