專輯:I Cry When I Laugh 笑中帶淚
Jess Glynne - Take Me Home [Official Video]
Wrapped up, so consumed by all this hurt
無比緊繃 消耗著心神 全都得歸咎於這份傷痛
If you ask me, don't know where to start
若你問起我 坦白來說 我也不曉得該從何說起
Anger, love, confusion, roads that go nowhere
滿腔怒火 愛意 困惑與焦慮 霎時不知該通往何處
I know there's somewhere better, 'cause you always take me there
我知道有個地方 能暫時遠離這些傷痛 因為只要我一難受 你總領我至那裏
Came to you with a broken faith
前來找你求助之際 信念早已千瘡百孔
Gave me more than a hand to hold
伸出的這隻援手 別只是絕望才能緊握
Caught before I hit the ground
在我即將要著地以前 穩穩地接住我
Tell me I'm safe, you've got me now
告訴我 你現在安全了 只要有我在別惶恐
Would you take the wheel if I lose control?
可不可以替我接手方向盤 以免我不小心失控?
If I'm lyin' here, will you take me home?
要是我躺在這裡等死 能不能好心載我一程?
Could you take care of a broken soul?
能不能請你發揮善心 照顧這受傷的靈魂?
Will you hold me now? Oh, will you take me home?
能不能趁這機會摟著我?噢 你能不能好心送我一程?
Oh, will you take me home?
噢 能否當個好心人 送我一程?
Hold the gun to my head, count 1, 2, 3
拿這把槍死死抵住我的腦門 倒數三 二 一
If it helps me walk away, then it's what I need
要是這麼做能助我儘早解脫 不如讓我痛快扣下板機
Every minute gets easier, the more you talk to me
隨著與你對話逐分流逝 原先沈重的心情 頓時輕鬆許多
You rationalize my darkest thoughts, yeah you, set them free
你正當合理化我每個動機 沒錯 就是你 讓我不再執著 放這念頭自由
Came to you with a broken faith
前來找你求助之際 信念早已千瘡百孔
Gave me more than a hand to hold
伸出的這隻援手 別只是絕望才能緊握
Caught before I hit the ground
在我即將要著地以前 穩穩地接住我
Tell me I'm safe, you've got me now
告訴我 你現在安全了 只要有我在別惶恐
Would you take the wheel if I lose control?
可不可以替我接手方向盤 以免我不小心失控?
If I'm lyin' here, will you take me home?
要是我躺在這裡等死 能不能好心載我一程?
Could you take care of a broken soul?
能不能請你發揮善心 照顧這受傷的靈魂?
Will you hold me now? Oh, will you take me home?
能不能趁這機會摟著我?噢 你能不能好心送我一程?
Oh, will you take me home?
噢 能否當個好心人 送我一程?
You say space will make it better and time will make it heal
你曾經保證過 空間讓一切變得好受 而時間會癒合心中每道傷口
I won't be lost forever and soon I wouldn't feel
我內心的失落將不會持續太久 很快地 我就不會覺得
Like I'm haunted, woah, falling
彷彿我受蠱惑 喔噢 或從高處墜落
You say space will make it better and time will make it heal
你之前保證過 空間讓一切變得好受 而時間會癒合心中每道傷口
I won't be lost forever and soon I wouldn't feel
我內心的失落將不會持續太久 很快地 我就不會覺得
Like I'm haunted, woah, falling
彷彿我受蠱惑 喔噢 或從高處墜落
You say space will make it better and time will make it heal
你明明保證過 空間讓一切變得好受 而時間會癒合心中每道傷口
I won't be lost forever and soon I wouldn't feel
我內心的失落將不會持續太久 很快地 我就不會覺得
Like I'm haunted, woah, falling
彷彿我受蠱惑 喔噢 或從高處墜落
Would you take the wheel if I lose control?
可不可以替我接手方向盤 以免我不小心失控?
If I'm lyin' here, will you take me home?
要是我躺在這裡等死 能不能好心載我一程?
Could you take care of a broken soul?
能不能請你發揮善心 照顧這受傷的靈魂?
Will you hold me now? Oh, will you take me home?
能不能趁這機會摟著我?噢 你能不能好心送我一程?
Oh, will you take me home?
噢 能否當個好心人 送我一程?
Oh, will you take me home?
噢 能否當個好心人 送我一程?
Will you take me home?