專輯:folklore (deluxe version) 美麗傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift - the last great american dynasty (Official Lyric Video)
Taylor Swift - the last great american dynasty (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)
Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train, it was sunny
趁著風拂清爽 蕾貝卡攥緊了欄杆 躍上午後列車 正值風光旖旎
Her saltbox house on the coast took her mind off St. Louis
她念茲在茲的沿堤鹽屋 不免使其心翻飛 神馳至聖路易斯飛地
Bill was the heir to the Standard Oil name and money
謠傳她將攜兩子 與承接標準石油家業 暨資產承繼人比爾成婚
And the town said, "How did a middle-class divorcée do it?
不免引發鎮民關注 『區區一介失婚之婦 是修來何等福氣 才可踰越產階 拐上富家子弟?』
The wedding was charming, if a little gauche
婚禮自是富麗堂皇 美輪美奐 若真要計較 怕是社交手腕稍嫌拙劣
There's only so far new money goes
剛到手不久的鈔票 僅僅飛了幾張 成了流金江水
They picked out a home and called it "Holiday House"
不出一會兒 出手闊綽的新人 便揀了幢華美宅邸 喚它作『海濱別墅』
Their parties were tasteful, if a little loud
其主辦的盛會晚宴 典雅別緻 品味著實了不得 惟男主人聒噪嘈雜
The doctor had told him to settle down
家醫見狀連忙上前關心 還不忘叮嚀囑咐 切莫激動過度
It must have been her fault his heart gave out
果真不出幾日 比爾便因心衰竭暴斃 想必與蕾貝卡 定脫不了干係
And they said
而街談巷論的世人不免搖頭 紛紛說道
"There goes the last great American dynasty
『隨著這男人與世長辭 與此同時 也告別了美利堅治世
Who knows, if she never showed up, what could've been
若非半路殺出程咬金 原先叱吒風雲的企業 又怎能落得分文不值
There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen
這陷入發狂的女人 舉城無雙 謀略著復仇大計 等不及要無端滋事
She had a marvelous time ruining everything"
敗壞社稷安和 招致普羅大眾不幸的她 必然痛快得很哪』
Rebekah gave up on the Rhode Island set forever
蕾貝卡簽下合約協議 移轉羅德島房產持有權 從此斷絕關係
Flew in all her Bitch Pack friends from the city
隨即搭乘班機 返回故居 與為人詬病 自嘲放蕩的摯友們重聚
Filled the pool with champagne and swam with the big names
為水池注入源源不絕的奢華香檳 同馳譽國際的大人物 徜徉嬉戲
And blew through the money on the boys and the ballet
甚或浪擲亡夫財金 資助芭蕾舞界 培養濟濟人才 順帶遴選新夫婿
And losing on card game bets with Dalí
僵持不下的牌局 終究是不敵強手 敗給了著名畫家達利
And they said
而玩世不恭的鎮民見此景 不免莞爾揶揄
"There goes the last great American dynasty
『前人篳路藍縷 為後代締造美利堅治世 終要付諸東流
Who knows, if she never showed up, what could've been
若非那人出手干預 經濟水準亦如其起飛 或能造福滋潤社會大眾
There goes the most shameless woman this town has ever seen
奪人家產還忝不知恥的女徒 極盡浮靡奢華之能事 無人能出其右
She had a marvelous time ruining everything"
唯恐社會不亂 弄得地覆天翻的她 想必還為此洋洋得意』
They say she was seen on occasion
鎮民宣稱她雖深居簡出 仍偶有巧遇之情事
Pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea
要不是於岩礫堤岸踱步 待夜深萬籟俱寂 遠眺對岸景致
And in a feud with her neighbor
便是與男鄰人指責對方不是 爭得面紅耳赤
She stole his dog and dyed it key lime green
指控她偷走家犬 並將其染成一身萊姆綠 宛若真有此事
Fifty years is a long time
宅邸載浮載沉 已逾五十載 可謂百壽長年
Holiday House sat quietly on that beach
無論受多少風吹日曬 委屈受苦 海濱別墅仍歷久不衰 坐落於灘地
Free of women with madness, their men and bad habits
免除於發嗔易怒 善於復仇女流之輩 同情夫浸淫愛慾 及諸多陋習
And then it was bought by me
流連坎坷的宅邸 幾經易主 輾轉被我買入
Who knows, if I never showed up, what could've been
若我未如期現身 逢人迴避疾走的寡婦故居 若今又該是何種光景
There goes the loudest woman this town has ever seen
敢於為自己發聲 誓言揭穿不公不義之事的女人 總算露出真面目
I had a marvelous time ruining everything
光是能為芸芸女性平反 打抱不平 便令我雀躍欣喜不已
I had a marvelous time ruining everything
能一償懲處不肖之徒 打擊惡人夙願 便沈浸於愉悅之中
A marvelous time ruining everything
這久違而痛快淋漓的好時光 不免令我醉心神迷
A marvelous time
I had a marvelous time
我的心緒輕快而奇妙 簡直都要手舞足蹈了起來