
專輯:folklore (deluxe version) 美麗傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift – betty (Official Lyric Video)

Taylor Swift - betty (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)

Taylor Swift - betty (Live from the 2020 Academy of Country Music Awards)


Betty, I won't make assumptions

貝蒂呀 我年少不諳世故 自然也不敢妄加斷言

About why you switched your homeroom, but

甚或過問為何你調離了原有班級 可蛛絲馬跡

I think it's 'cause of me



Betty, one time I was riding on my skateboard 

貝蒂 我得對你坦承 某回我閒來無事 踏上了滑板

When I passed your house

於街區巷弄間兜轉 回過神來 已佇立於你家庭院

It's like I couldn't breathe

充沛情感淤積 哽在喉頭 讓我彷彿快要不能呼吸


You heard the rumors from Inez

這段期間 從伊涅茲的口中 相信你也耳聞不少傳言

You can't believe a word she says

本來就不怎麼信任她的你 對闢謠一事更嗤之以鼻

Most times, but this time it was true

多數謠言不攻自破 但遺憾的是 此次消息並未出錯

The worst thing that I ever did

實不相瞞 我生平做過最為殘忍之事

Was what I did to you

綜觀我胡作非為的這輩子 莫過於此


But if I just showed up at your party

倘若我厚著臉皮 忝不知恥地現身你生日聚會

Would you have me?

你是否會秉持地主之誼 盛情款待?

Would you want me?

念在過往情份 寬容饒恕我的不對?

Would you tell me to go fuck myself

會否顧不得旁人阻攔相勸 以粗口穢語忿懟?

Or lead me to the garden?

還是不容分說 拽過我的手便衝進庭院花園?


In the garden, would you trust me

身陷柔情花海 你能否拋卻顧慮 姑且予以信任

If I told you it was just a summer thing? 

如若我坦言 我與那人之間 不過是溽暑意亂情迷?

I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything

全賴我少不更事 年僅十七 人情世故均未能知悉

But I know I miss you

可我比誰都要清楚 自己是如此思念你


Betty, I know where it all went wrong

貝蒂呀 幾經自省深慮後 我總算釐清原委情由

Your favorite song was playing

猶記返校舞會那天 眾人簇擁 傳來你愛曲間奏

From the far side of the gym

遠從對側體育館 便可聽見旋律 氣氛活潑熱絡


I was nowhere to be found

心急如焚的你 左顧右盼 卻遍處尋不著我身影

I hate the crowds, you know that

若非對跳舞提不起興趣 只得穿越人群 悄然離去

Plus, I saw you dance with him

不僅如此 我還瞥見你與他相擁共舞 甚是親暱


You heard the rumors from Inez

伊涅茲她散播的傳聞 甚囂塵上 有如風生水起

You can't believe a word she says

天真單純如你 寧願去相信我 也不願輕信他人

Most times, but this time it was true

然而聽了我的回覆 卻教你失落難受 心碎一地

The worst thing that I ever did

我的所作所為 實在是糟糕透了頂

Was what I did to you

怎能辜負你全然信任 還傷害了你


But if I just showed up at your party

若不知天高地厚的我 趁人之危 混入你生日聚會

Would you have me?

心地善良的你 是否會出言勸慰?

Would you want me?

會不會張開雙手迎接 寬容以對?

Would you tell me to go fuck myself

還是當著眾人的面 矢口大罵 要我趕緊滾出去

Or lead me to the garden?

抑或者不顧旁人側目 拽過我手 邁進庭院花圃?


In the garden, would you trust me

適逢錦簇花團環繞 你是否能寬宥我無心之過

If I told you it was just a summer thing?

若我推託諉責 那僅是寧夏糊塗 無心犯的錯誤?

I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything

都得怪我年少無知 方剛血氣 剛愎自用又愚蠢

But I know I miss you

但你可得相信 這實在是我太想你的情非得已


I was walking home on broken cobblestones

返家行途中 我踏上鵝卵碎石路 一路顛顛簸簸

Just thinking of you when she pulled up like

忖度尋思你的同時 而那人猛然現身 剎車急停

A figment of my worst intentions

原先不應存在的情感 不知怎地 霎時油然而生

She said "James, get in, let's drive"

她吆喝道 『趕緊上車 詹姆斯 車就準備要啟動』

Those days turned into nights

灰濛濛的夜空 為花火點亮 就這麼一天天蹉跎

Slept next to her, but

床褥枕畔那人 雖伴我度過漫漫夏日寂夜 可

I dreamt of you all summer long

為你渴慕思夢的心情 壓抑多時 將近完夏之久


Betty, I'm here on your doorstep

貝蒂 我可知我鼓起多少勇氣 才踏上你家門階

And I planned it out for weeks now

原先籌備多時計畫 接連過了幾週 仍難以定奪

But it's finally sinkin' in

躊躇不前的決心 幾經猶豫 這回可算是下定了


Betty, right now is the last time

貝蒂 眼看機會就要溜走 最後一搏 不容許我再錯過

I can dream about what happens when

而我幾乎快要能確認 時隔數月 與你再度相見重逢

You see my face again

你久違卻熟悉的臉龐 將會流露何種表情


The only thing I wanna do

這些日子以來 我唯一的心願莫過於

Is make it up to you

用盡我所有努力 去好好補償你

So I showed up at your party

於是我冒著遭受唾罵的風險 現身你主辦的派對

Yeah, I showed up at your party

顧不得他人掩耳竊語 奚落指點 也要見你一面


Yeah, I showed up at your party

我穿越喧嘩吵鬧的群眾 走上你跟前 只為問你

Will you have me?

能不能網開一面 原諒我的不對?

Will you love me?

還願不願意 再給我們的愛一次機會?

Will you kiss me on the porch

可不可以領我到門廊 在眾目睽睽下 再吻我一回

In front of all your stupid friends?

甚或當著你愛說閒話 碎嘴又惹人嫌友人們的面?


If you kiss me, will it be just like I dreamed it?

而這遲來的吻 會否如我想像 來得那樣夢幻幸福?

Will it patch your broken wings?

這可貴的吻 是否也能修補 你那瀕於破碎的翅翼?

I'm only seventeen, I don't know anything

雖然我年僅十七 經不起人情世故 也不識大道理

But I know I miss you

但我只清楚 我真的是好不容易 才尋回心愛的你


Standing in your cardigan

終於回心轉意的你 身穿一襲純白開襟衫

Kissin' in my car again

捧著我脹紅臉頰 於副駕駛席 再吻我一回

Stopped at a streetlight

將車停駛於路肩 穿著棉衫 挨著昏黃燈柱

You know I miss you

這一顆深刻長久的吻 是我想念你的證明


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