
專輯:folklore (deluxe version) 美麗傳說 (豪華版)


Taylor Swift - the lakes (Official Lyric Video)

taylor swift - the lakes (original version) [audio]

Taylor Swift - the lakes (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)


Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?

欽筆記述哀婉題辭 回以褒揚敬致 豈非將浪漫二字揮發至淋漓?

I'm not cut out for all these cynical clones

吾人無愧自清 向來對同類自相殘殺 爭奪領地這檔事 敬謝不敏

These hunters with cell phones

盜獵匪類狡黠敏銳 不吝於算計栽贓 唯恐與其正面交鋒


Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die

引領至詩人懷才不遇 抱屈含恨 爭相投河自盡之湖域境地

I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you

雖情有可原 然心傷哀莫不至死 世事如此 吾愛 見汝應如是

Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry

登峰遠眺溫德米爾 橫亙著山脈綿延 似是傾灑珠淚之去處

I'm setting off, but not without my muse

就要駐紮涉足 如若無繆斯汝為旅伴相倚 吾人寧可不成行


What should be over burrowed under my skin

伏潛匍匐於吾人髮膚 藏身於犄角旮旯之處 究竟該當何物

In heart-stopping waves of hurt

尤其近來鬱悶難解 鎮日怔忡憂心 或難倖免此般苦楚

I've come too far to watch some namedropping sleaze

不畏迢迢苦路前來 只為一窺自謙能士 實為鄙俗賊人之究竟

Tell me what are my words worth

且聽在座諸位 何以將阿堵物 視同衡量吾人珠璣依據


Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die

攜同至附庸風雅 矯揉造作之騷客 抑鬱忿懣而終之湖域住所

I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you

雖隨心漫遊飄泊 居無定所 然死生福禍 亦有吾愛汝偕同與共

Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry

援登溫德米爾鬱蓊之巔 望泊便引使肝腸寸斷 不住心傷哀慟

I'm setting off, but not without my muse

漫漫離家萬千里 終要著陸 若無繆斯汝長相廝守 寧抵死不從


I want auroras and sad prose

吾人願同汝坐看極光奇景 橫槊作哀婉駢文

I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet

願埋覆種子 悉以初露灌溉 望紫藤攀吾纖足 綻出芬芳馥郁

'Cause I haven't moved in years

全賴吾人安居此地多時 未曾動移

And I want you right here

若汝應諾同往結縭 自是不枉此生


A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground

處封冰極寒之地 忽有嬌嫩瑰意破土而生 然如此美景

With no one around to tweet it

顧盼林樹之隙 薄霧冥冥 均不見藍鴝鳥吟詠

While I bathe in cliffside pools

乃至吾人櫛沐於峭壁瀑水 傍山巒以沫相濡

With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief

自是少不得哀戚慘淡之戀人 同不容孤寂僭越之愁緒


Take me to the Lakes where all the poets went to die

從行赴高風亮節 操守清廉之賦詩文人 孤苦而終之湖域住處

I don't belong and, my beloved, neither do you

容不得文思這般貧瘠俗氣 吾人了然於心 然吾愛相去不遠矣

Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry

俯瞰溫德米爾山陵 疑是望泊興嘆感慨 令來客無不淚濕衣襟

I'm setting off, but not without my muse

吾人快將動身行旅 然如若無繆斯汝為旅伴相倚 不如不成行

No, not without you

否也 乏吾愛寧抵死不從

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