專輯:folklore (deluxe version) 美麗傳說 (豪華版)
Taylor Swift – my tears ricochet (Official Lyric Video)
Taylor Swift - my tears ricochet (folklore: the long pond studio sessions)
We gather here, we line up
我們久違聚首 排成了佇列 竟會是以如此形式重逢
Weepin' in a sunlit room
所處的日光廳 此起彼落的哭泣聲 是為了弔唁友人
And if I'm on fire
若我的肉身 終被熊熊火焰焚燒殆盡
You'll be made of ashes, too
想必骨灰甕 定少不了你瘡痍的面孔
Even on my worst day
實在不明白 我犯下何等罪行
Did I deserve, babe
讓你耿耿於懷 甚或懷恨於心
All the hell you gave me?
用得著你針鋒相對 以死相逼?
'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you
但愛過你這點 我向老天發誓 我問心無愧
'Til my dying day
直至蓋棺入殮 這輩子都不會變
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
這次我並未忍氣吞聲 而是公開譴責 不再隱忍
And you're the hero flying around, saving face
而你佯裝若無其事 高調搭私人班機 推諉責任
And if I'm dead to you
要是對你而言 我早就跟死人沒兩樣 無關痛癢
Why are you at the wake?
那麼你又何必大費周章 舉辦追思會 供人懷想?
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
咒詛我不得好死 到處造謠毀譽 堅決頑強抵抗
Look at how my tears ricochet
且看我淚如何化作彈丸 起身反抗 貫穿你胸膛
We gather stones, never knowing what they'll mean
於路邊見著小石子 便多撿幾粒 大小不一 以備不時之需
Some to throw
有的外型堅硬鋒利 適合擲扔
Some to make a diamond ring
有的禁得起壓力 假以時日 則可砥礪為鑽晶
You know I didn't want to have to haunt you
你應該清楚 我化身魅影侵擾徘徊 實屬不得已
But what a ghostly scene
可見證那悚然一幕 不得不說 還真是怵目驚心
You wear the same jewels that I gave you
經我巧手串起的珠璣 遺失多時 竟恰巧出現在你脖頸
As you bury me
將我和全然信任 悉數活活葬送
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
要我不遺留悔恨遺憾 就此撒手告別人世 簡直豈有此理
'Cause when I'd fight, you used to tell me I was brave
我記得當初支持我據理力爭 堅持奮戰到底的人 可是你
And if I'm dead to you, why are you at the wake?
若我的死 對你毫無干係 你又何必現身告別式 謝辭致敬?
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
暗中罵我不得好死 又故作好心慰留我 多行不義必自斃
Look at how my tears ricochet
表裡不一的面具 終將為我淚水洗鍊成的飛彈 一一震擊
And I can go anywhere I want
綜觀天下之大 寬廣且開明 容身處比比皆是
Anywhere I want, just not home
儘管世界遼闊 無遠弗屆 仍沒有家來得舒適
And you can aim for my heart, go for blood
既得金鵝仍不滿足 不妨瞄準我心窩 取出血淋淋的心臟
But you would still miss me in your bones
等待回憶襲上心頭 沁骨蝕肉 滿滿的回憶定引使你憂傷
And I still talk to you
夜深人靜時 我仍會敞開窗扉 將心底話娓娓道來
(When I'm screaming at the sky)
(我向藍天疾聲吶喊 道盡世間不公 盼誰人能聽見)
And when you can't sleep at night
而心生歉疚的你 終夜輾轉不得眠 牙齒不住打顫
(You hear my stolen lullabies)
(我一夕間遭人奪去的歌謠樂章 將迴盪於你耳畔)
I didn't have it in myself to go with grace
這次我心意已決 不再優柔寡斷 以誠待人 而是轉守為攻
And so the battleships will sink beneath the waves
一艘艘戰艦再驍勇 仍不敵海浪 終將為波濤洶湧給擊沉
You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
也許背叛在你眼中迫在眉梢 可別忘了 冤冤相報何時了
Cursing my name, wishing I stayed
任人魚肉唾罵 淪為人人喊打的街頭鼠 無處可躲
You turned into your worst fears
你最為幽深的恐懼 終究還是化為現實 難以逃脫
And you're tossing out blame
計劃仍以失敗告終 而你忿忿不平 四處開立罪名
Drunk on this pain
被逼入絕境 繼續為自己抱不平 也只得飲恨抑鬱
Crossing out the good years
過往年華如流水匆匆 唯獨遺留無可抹滅的傷痕
And you're cursing my name, wishing I stayed
而你闢謠滋事 若你不顧念過往情份 我也不必留情
Look at how my tears ricochet
且看淚水洗鍊而製 多年淬礪的彈丸 如何射穿你心