

專輯:Lover 情人


Taylor Swift - Death By A Thousand Cuts (Official Audio)

Taylor Swift - Death By A Thousand Cuts (Live From Paris)


Saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts

聽你親口說再見 把我的身心撕成了碎片

Flashbacks waking me up

一幕幕上演的回憶片段 讓我輾轉不得眠

I get drunk, but it's not enough

於是我喝個爛醉 但到頭來 這又有什麼用

’Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby

反正醒來頭痛欲裂 關心在乎我的那個人 也不會是你


I look through the windows of this love

我掀開窗簾 從縫隙探進屋內 窺伺著從前的愛戀

Even though we boarded them up

儘管門扉緊掩 而你我也說好了 以後就別再留戀

Chandelier's still flickering here

璀璨的水晶吊燈 折射出光輝 不禁想起了我和你

’Cause I can't pretend it's okay when it's not

湧上的每一刻 教人難以逞強 彷彿一切事不關己

It's death by a thousand cuts

自從我們別離那天起 心便承受著千刀萬剮之刑


I dress to kill my time, I take the long way home

我梳妝打扮 藉以消磨時間 繞遠路回家 把我們複習了一遍

I ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright

我難過地問紅綠燈 要花上多少時間 傷痛才有釋懷的一天

They say, "I don't know"

善良的他們先是互望 接著搖了搖頭 告訴我『天曉得』


And what once was ours is no one's now

原本屬於我們的一切 怎麼一下子變得好遙遠

I see you everywhere

我走在回家路上 你身影幾乎隨處可見

The only thing we share is this small town

這城鎮明明不太大 怎麼對你思念一點也不減


You said it was a great love, one for the ages

你說過 好難得我們遇見了彼此 注定要相愛一輩子

But if the story’s over, why am I still writing pages?

要是你我到此為止 怎麼我還不停筆 繼續寫著我們的故事?


’Cause saying goodbye is death by a thousand cuts

與你別離的那刻 彷彿有成千上萬隻箭矢 射穿我心

Flashbacks waking me up

夜半從睡夢驚醒 我仍餘悸猶存

I get drunk, but it's not enough

於是我把自己灌醉 喝得醺醺然 依然盼不到你回來

’Cause the morning comes and you're not my baby

隔天起得再早 也聽不見你在耳邊 輕喚我一聲寶貝


I look through the windows of this love

我依依不捨地凝視窗櫺 撫觸愛情 以及我們的曾經

Even though we boarded them up

哪怕你和我約定 說好錯過就別回頭 不再留戀過去

Chandelier's still flickering here

懸樑掛起了水晶吊燈 點綴著回憶 至今仍完好如初

'Cause I can’t pretend it's okay when it's not

和我的心相比 是那樣地支離破碎 教我怎能不難受

It's death by a thousand cuts

這椎心刺骨的痛 遠超出我的負荷


My heart, my hips, my body, my love

我被俘獲的心 雙臀 性命和軀體 還有我堅貞的愛情

Tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch

尋思著我身上哪一部份 你不曾以愛之名 恣意碰觸

Gave up on me like I was a bad drug

忘不了我 才會把我當成濫藥毒品 恨不得及早戒除

Now I'm searching for signs in a haunted club

害我直奔我們的回憶 翻看紀錄 找尋相愛過的證據


Our songs, our films, united we stand

一首首定情曲 一場場電影 愛就是我們不變的信仰

Our country, guess it was a lawless land

可靠的避風港 經你背叛 想必成了貧瘠荒蕪的法場

Quiet my fears with the touch of your hand

害怕與恐懼 總有你的撫觸 出面替我擺平譁然巨響

Paper cut stings from our paper-thin plans

一輩子的承諾 終究只有紙片單薄 碎片將我心割傷


My time, my wine, my spirit, my trust

我寶貴的時間 酒意 珍貴的靈魂 還有我可貴的信任

Tryna find a part of me you didn't take up

反覆回溯推敲 何者你不曾以情人的名義 隨意拿取

Gave you so much, but it wasn't enough

給了你太多的回憶 數也數不清 我也早就要不回去

But I'll be alright, it's just a thousand cuts

不過沒關係 傷痛總會復原 心碎只是一點小傷而已 


I get drunk, but it's not enough

喝得再怎麼醉 掉了多少淚 時間也不會把你還我

'Cause you're not my baby

就算再相愛 我們也回不去了


I look through the windows of this love

晨陽灑進屋內 我隔著窗櫺 凝望從前濃烈的愛情

Even though we boarded them up

儘管回憶上了鎖 裹上封條 要我們別再留戀過去

Chandelier's still flickering here

絢麗的水晶吊燈 煦煦照拂 一點一點拼湊出曾經

'Cause I can't pretend it's okay when it's not

無論我再怎麼努力 處心積慮 也做不到事不關己

No, it's not

要我狠下心來 真的辦不到

It's death by a thousand cuts

萬剮千刀 從不比離開你還心碎難熬


Tryna find a part of me that you didn't touch

試想當初你存何居心 從我身上 到底取走了多少感情

My body, my love, my trust

不論是我這副身軀 終生不渝的愛情 還是不移的信任

But it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough, no, no

再多付出 終究成全不了感情 縱容時間帶走你和回憶


I take the long way home

我又多繞了幾條街 走走停停 才捨得踏上回家的路

I ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright

我抬頭仰望天空 向紅綠燈探聽 如今我該何去何從

They say, "I don't know"

好心的他們眨了眨眼 閃爍其詞 說『這我也不清楚』

    創作者 pch 的頭像


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