

專輯:Red (Taylor’s Version) 



Nothing New (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) (Lyric Video)


They tell you while you're young

世人總在年輕時 勸你

"Girls, go out and have your fun"


Then they hunt and slay the ones who actually do it

可當你照做時 卻成為眾矢之的

Criticize the way you fly

無論你怎麼做 都將招來批評

When you're soaring through the sky

就在努力多年的事業 如日中天時

Shoot you down and then they sigh

卻又遭受無情對待 他們看著你搖頭

And say, “She looks like she's been through it”

並說「這女人的演藝事業 恐怕到此為止」

Lord, what will become of me

主呀 一旦我失去了真摯動人的文字

Once I've lost my novelty?



I've had too much to drink tonight

看樣子 我今晚喝得太多了

And I know it's sad but this is what I think about

我也清楚 這該有多可悲 可這樣的念頭 揮之不去

And I wake up in the middle of the night

輾轉反側的我 從床上起身

It's like I can feel time moving

感受著時間 在身邊流動著

How can a person know everything at eighteen

早在十八歲便洞悉世事的我 又怎能在

But nothing at twenty-two?

二十二歲時 變得茫然而一無所知?

And will you still want me when I'm nothing new?

要是我沒變 你還能喜歡我原來的樣子嗎?


How long will it be cute, all this crying in my room?

烏雲密佈的心情 何時才有豁然開朗的一天?

When you can't blame it on my youth

這樣的你 早已不能以年紀尚輕當作理由

And roll your eyes with affection

也不能像少女一樣 眨著靈動的雙眼

And my cheeks are growing tired

而這張臉 早已痠得無法

From turning red and faking smiles

紅暈與微笑中 辨清真偽

Are we only biding time 'til I lose your attention

難道要跟時間賽跑 直到你對我再也提不起興趣?

And someone else lights up the room?

還是等待新秀出場 為世界點亮一盞明燈?

People love an ingénue

而天真無邪的少女 恰恰迎合市場的口味


I've had too much to drink tonight

今晚的我 恐怕喝得太多了

How did I go from growing up to breaking down?

而我又怎能在該堅強時 崩潰痛哭?

I wake up (Wake up) in the middle of the night

翻來覆去的我 只得從床上起身

And I can feel time moving

喟嘆時間的沙 自手中流失

How can a person know everything at eighteen

早在十八歲便洞悉世事的我 又怎能在

But nothing at twenty-two?

二十二歲時 變得茫然而一無所知?

And will you still want me when I'm nothing new?

要是我沒變 你還能喜歡我原來的樣子嗎?


I know someday I'm gonna meet her

我知道的 取代我的人 總會有到來的一天

It's a fever dream


The kind of radiance you only have at seventeen

這樣的她 像極了十七歲時的我 全身散發迷人氣息

She'll know the way and then she'll say she got the map from me

善於運用這項利器的她 會說『這一切都得歸功於泰勒絲』

I’ll say I’m happy for her then I'll cry myself to sleep

我多希望能打從心底為她高興 卻又替她擔心受怕


I've had (I've had) too much to drink tonight

我想 今晚我恐怕喝得太多了

But I wonder if they'll miss me once they drive me out

當世界漸漸忘了我的存在 還會有人願意想起我嗎?

I wake up (Wake up) in the middle of the night

翻來覆去的我 只得從床上起身

And I can feel time moving

感嘆歲月這把刀 在臉上留下痕跡

How can a person know everything at eighteen

早在十八歲便洞悉世事的我 又怎能在

But nothing at twenty-two?

二十二歲時 變得茫然而一無所知?

And will you still want me, will you still want me

而這樣的你 是否還會喜歡這樣的我?

Will you still want me when I'm nothing new?

要是我沒變 你還能喜歡我原來的樣子嗎?


    創作者 pch 的頭像


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